What exactly did Maynier say that is not true?
Fact is, just like EVERTHING else the ANC government does, the defense budget is a shambles.
The way the defense budget is allocated to the different departments (arms) is, to say the least, ludicrous
The fact that brand new, very expensive and sophisticated planes, has to be placed in storage is making this country a banana republic. Placing our heads in the sand like ostriches, is not going to help at all. And taking someone out simply because he got some very small specifics wrong (maybe) is just simply stoking the real problem (fire).
In a "free" society, it is essential that the citizens speak-up when their money is squandered on luxuries for the ruling party members, stolen in fraudulent transactions or just wrongfully spent because of ineptitude or inability to do what should be done.
Speak up! Let it be known! This government is way off the right track on everything. From properly addressing job creation, supporting/building infrastructure, health care, proper appropriate schooling to DEFENSE!!!!!!
Defense is what concern us on this forum and therefor, if there is anyone on this forum that support the misappropriation of funds, or the fact that our tax money payed for these expensive, sophisticated equipment, and are now underutilized, then let them say so. At the very least, we will all know where we stand as far as this issue is concerned.
I, for one, do not think the powers that be knows what they're doing at all! Neither do I agree with what they are doing with our/my money! This is why I will speak out!!!! This is why, although I do not necessarily support the party Mr. Maynier represents, I will much rather support his stance on this matter, than support this current inept government!!!!!