Hey all
I'm preparing decal artwork for a No. 60 Squadron Mosquito PR.IX in the summer/fall of 1943. Can you provide or point me to a clear photo taken from approximately 90° to the serial that will allow me to precisely replicate the shapes of the characters? I'm doing LR480, which is currently in the SA National Museum of Military History and appears to have never been repainted since it left the factory, but none of the photos I've found online are clear enough to see the precise shape of the characters, particularly the "4." I've found a number of relevant photos, but they're either too fuzzy or at the wrong angle for me to be certain of the shapes.
Related: Do you know precisely when (or how quickly) the RAF red in the roundels/fin flash was overpainted with orange when the Mosquito PR.IXs were received? The first arrived in North Africa on 30 Jul 43 and quite a few more in Sep & Oct. The 60 Sq ORB specifically mentions another type of aircraft was received with RAF roundels, which were "quickly corrected" to the SAAF versions. I forget which type of aircraft, possibly a Mosquito Mk.VI, and don't have the ORBs handy, but it was in either May or Jun 43. I assume the erks would have jumped right on this since it was not a huge amount of work and national pride was at stake.
Ol' Mac