Firstly, my apologies for only four photos. The weather was so-so with rain showers threatening all the time, and we at the fenceline having to second guess when will it rain as we felt drops consistently . . . and it rained 5 minutes after the Mirages took off . . .
Couteau Delta is a French Air Force tactical demonstration team flying a two-ship formation with the venerable Mirage 2000D, and are much sought after at Airshows all over Europe. Google and YouTube have much information. The team flew a display at the annual Cosford Airshow on Sunday 9 June, but were billeted at RAF Waddington for the weekend. They departed back to France on Monday 10th.
The French Airbus A-400, used as transport for support personnel and equipment arrived from France at 11:24. As is sometimes the case it took the short cut off the runway to directly transit to the Mirage dispersal area which was out of sight from the viewing area. The short cut taxiway is the reason for only half a view of the A-400.
The first Mirage to depart kept it low and fast before pulling up into a steep climb, then turning to starboard, followed by the second 10 seconds later which kept it low over the adjacent main road joining his mate further along. They joined up in the turn, came back and gave the tower, base and fenceline a farewell flypast.
Lekker man lekker!
"Sorry Goose, but it's time to buzz the tower" (Top Gun)
Low, fast, and afterburner, across the main road.
Cheers guys!