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PostPosted: 19 Oct 2015, 13:58 

Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 13:41
Posts: 89
How would you like to receive your personal copy of my Accident Summaries? Better still, how would you like to receive them in your inbox in original full length version with full supporting period and other image accompaniment with relevant tables/charts/diagrams/transcripts etc where appropriate!?

Now it is possible. With Dean's consent, commencing about the start of each month and every month thereafter, I will announce the availability of one previously unpublished Accident Summary.

Summaries vary in length from about ¾ page of text to as many as eight excluding images and image captions. Note that not all occurrences are image accompanied depending on the circumstances of the occurrence and what copy of the Court/Board of Inquiry/Station Investigation I get to process.

Accidents will cover the time period 01/10/42 to 31/12/75 as per the high-end limitations imposed by current legislation in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act and involve all types of attrition, both benign and spectacular, to exclusively the following types: the Harvard/Texan, C-47/Dakota, C-54/Skymaster, C-130 Hercules, Transall C-160Z, Merlin Mk IVA, HS.125 Mercurius, Viscount, Shackleton, Cessna 185, AM-3CM Bosbok, Do 27, one Auster, one Spitfire, Canberra, Buccaneer, Mirage III, Vampire, Sabre, Impala, Wasp, Alouette II and III, Puma and the Super Frelon. No single type will be represented more than twice over a given 12-month period with exception of the Harvard for which a minimum/maximum of two Harvard occurrences will appear in every 12-month period guaranteed.

All summaries appearing in the database below are available for purchase by anyone at any time at R35 per summary all inclusive.

Simply let me know exactly what aircraft types you would potentially be interested in from the database and give me your e-mail, and I will contact you as soon as a summary involving that aircraft type becomes available for purchase.

If you are interested, please contact me on: or telephone: 031 261 8748 all hours for payment details or if you have any queries regarding this matter.

All purchases will be subject to my terms and conditions and copyright, which include among others, that no summary or part thereof (including images) may be reproduced on any site or publication or other communications systems for any purpose whatsoever and that summaries are for personal (private) use exclusively and may not be distributed to a second party for any reason whatsoever. By making payment, the purchaser will thus consent to having read and fully agreed to these terms and conditions.

Upon request, I may waiver the copyright for a particular purchased accident summary to be reproduced verbatim on a site or in a publication at my sole discretion, provided that the source is acknowledged.

Although this system is prone to abuse, I would strongly advise that individuals would refrain from doing so, since it may well compromise the success of this effort and if I feel that it is not being sustainably successful, I will have no choice but to discontinue this effort and the future of summaries being available to the public will be forever jeopardised. By personally honouring the above terms, you will thus be investing in the future of more summaries being made available, both for your personal information and for that of others.

Note: Due to logistical limitations on my part, payments made in a given month will only see that summary e-mailed during the first week of the following month.

There is plenty of potential SAAF aircraft history and operational procedure waiting to be unlocked and revealed to the glory of SAAF aviation history. Please allow me to make it happen for YOU!

In the interests of flying safety and preserving SAAF history.


Clinton Barnard


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PostPosted: 19 Oct 2015, 14:04 

Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 13:41
Posts: 89
Updates (one year back): (* confirmed write-off)

01/10/2015 Vampire 212* crashed fatally whilst performing the briefed steep formation take-off from AFS
Langebaanweg on 03/02/53 in company with three other examples (4,8 pages text and 12 period
01/09/2015 South African Police Cessna 320 ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) crashed on landing at AFB Swartkop
under strong crosswind conditions after the port tyre burst on brake application (1.5 pages text and 5
period images);
01/08/2015 -
01/07/2015 Mirage IIIs 807 and 824 inadvertently broke the sound barrier on 15/11/65 at AFS Waterkloof during a fly
past put on for a special and famous visiting guest (2¾ pages text only);
01/06/2015 Alouette II 18 made a heavy landing on 04/08/67 during a test flight to check the helicopter's power off
autorotation capability resulting in structural airframe damage at AFS Ysterplaat (3.5 pages text and 7
period images);
01/05/2015 Buccaneer 415 landed one wheel up during SAAF aircrew conversion training at RNAS Lossiemouth, UK
on 26/07/65 (3.5 pages text and 15 period images);
01/04/2015 Harvard 7134* crashed into the ground during operational low flying training near Vereeniging, killing
both occupants on 21/12/43 (2½ pages text and 5 period images);
01/03/2015 Dakota 6801 suffered significant structural damage on 10/09/45 during a Shuttle Service flight when
incorrectly packed hazardous cargo inside the main cabin was inadvertently discharged in flight (1¼
pages text only);
01/02/2015 Cessna 185 722* struck high tension electrical cables during unauthorised low flying, crashed and burnt
out on 02/08/65 (2.5 pages text plus 6 period images);
01/01/2015 Shackleton 1718 landed wheels up at night at DF Malan Airport on 09/11/59 during a planned
asymmetric full stop landing (5 ¼ pages text and 7 period images);
01/12/2014 Wasp 81* ditched into the sea 1 mile north of the Milnerton lighthouse after suffering sudden and
complete engine failure on 17/06/64 (5.3 pages text and 16 period images);
01/11/2014 Sabre 353* impacted high ground during a low-level tactical training exercise in the Pilansberg area on
26/04/66, killing its pilot (1.5 pages text and 8 period images);

PRESENT ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS ARCHIVE updated monthly (* confirmed write-off)

Aermacchi MB 326 Impala

487 03/01/68; 472 10/09/68; 512 18/08/69;

Aermacchi/Aeritaia AM-3CM Bosbok


5411* 15/06/56;

Avro MR Mk 3 Shackleton

1718 05/10/57; 1716 20/11/57; 1723 26/02/58; 1718 09/11/59; 1718* 08/08/63;

Blackburn S MK 50 Buccaneer

415 26/07/65; 417* 30/10/65; 415 06/03/69; 415* 16/10/69;

Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk 6

351 04/04/57; 367 30/09/65; 359 04/03/66; 353* 26/04/66;

Cessna 185

722* 02/08/65; 717 29/01/66; 744* 25/08/66; 751 14/05/69; 713 26/11/69;

Cessna 320

ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) 09/10/69;

Dassault Mirage III

816 28/05/64; 824 15/11/65; 821* 15/03/69;

De Havilland Vampire

212* 03/02/53; 236* 22/09/54; 233* 08/10/54; 246* 24/11/55; 268 20/10/65; 268 27/01/66;

Dornier Do 27A

5430 03/11/58;

Douglas C-47/Dakota

6807 28/08/43; 6853 01/04/45; 6847* 08/07/45; 6801 10/09/45; 6822 23/01/46; 6832 26/01/66;

Douglas C-54/DC-4 Skymaster

English Electric Canberra

Hawker Siddeley HS.125-400B Mercurius

Lockheed C-130 Hercules

North American Texan/Harvard

7141 19/01/43; 7200 19/02/43; 7099/Hind 123 12/03/43; 7011* 13/04/43;
7264 23/04/43; 7228 26/04/43; 7281* 04/05/43; 7092*/7119* 17/05/43;
7260 17/05/43; 7170* 12/06/43; 7251* 05/07/43; 7277* 29/07/43;
7097 03/08/43; 7060 10/08/43; 7174 16/08/43; 7164 19/08/43;
7274 06/09/43; 7318* 06/09/43; 7289 09/09/43; 7266 04/10/43;
7168/7231 13/10/43; 7091* 21/10/43; 7108* 05/11/43; 7388 09/11/43;
7122* 11/11/43; 7205*/7227* 21/11/43; 7391 26/11/43; 7001 04/12/43;
7085* 11/12/43; 7260* 14/12/43; 7134* 21/12/43; 7419* 05/01/44;

7198 11/01/44; 7262 11/01/44; 7074* 19/01/44; 7107 21/01/44;
7351 27/01/44; 7094 08/02/44; 7278 09/02/44; 7121* 24/02/44;
7452* 13/03/44; 7241* 16/03/44; 7283* 27/03/44; 7160/7217* 31/03/44;
7418* 19/04/44; 7126 25/04/44;

Piaggio P.166S Albatross

Sud Est SE 3130 Alouette II

21 22/04/66; 16* 03/10/66; 18 20/07/67; 18 01/08/67; 18 02/08/67; 18 04/08/67;

Sud Est SE 3160/SA316B Alouette III

56(1)* 08/01/66; 47 25/02/66; 39 19/04/66; 63 19/09/66;
watch this space!

Sud Aviation SA 321L Super Frelon

301 25/07/67;

Sud Aviation SA 330 Puma

Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX

5622* 03/04/54;

Swearingen Merlin Mk IVA

Transall C-160Z

Vickers Viscount

150 19/03/63;

Westland HAS Mk 1 Wasp

81* 17/06/64; 82 08/08/67; 84 18/03/68; 87* 19/09/68;

Total Separate Accident/Incident Archive Occurrences To Date: 102

Note: Where no entry appears under a specific type, this means that the type qualifies, but that I have not yet processed any occurrence involving this type ie, watch this space!

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PostPosted: 30 Oct 2015, 10:53 

Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 13:41
Posts: 89
Hi All

My thanks to Dean for suggesting that we also announce the summaries on the SAAF Forum besides saafnews.

It has been 16 months since our last Alouette III release, so this one can be said to be overdue!

I was indeed privileged to have come across the reference to this early accident during my 2014 research trip to SANDF Archives. Given my penchant for compiling summaries in ideally chronological order, I wasted little time in accessing it during 2015 and then compiling its summary as priority No. 1 for this type when the Alo next fell due.

Although I cannot say for a certainty whether this was the first accident involving the Alouette III, I am in a position to emphatically state that this was indeed the first accident of this type to have resulted in a Category 2 damage classification and for this reason alone this accident is of historical significance. I am also pleased to announce that I have all the allotments relevant to this accident on record and have woven each and every one of them into my summary for the exquisite pleasure of number crunchers like myself or purely for those desiring a more complete record of aircraft movements for this specific tail number.

Although any helicopter crashing backwards into the ground is always going to be spectacular, as borne out by the equally spectacular images, fortunately there were no injuries of any sort to the occupants. I found the topography of the De Wet Range spectacular too!

Next month's consideration will be what I rate as one of the top four Harvard accidents I've ever done.

With thanks.

Clinton Barnard

Updates (one year back): (* confirmed write-off)

01/11/2015 Alouette III 43 crashed on 07/01/63 at the De Wet Range, near Bloemfontein, whilst taking off on
a local area general flying training exercise including landings away from base (2+ pages text
and 6 period images);
01/10/2015 Vampire 212* crashed fatally whilst performing the briefed steep formation take-off from AFS
Langebaanweg on 03/02/53 in company with three other examples (4.8 pages text,12 period
images, 1 table and 1 diagram);
01/09/2015 South African Police Cessna 320 ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) crashed on landing at AFB Swartkop
09/10/69 under strong crosswind conditions after the port tyre burst on brake application (1.5 pages text
and 5 period images);
01/08/2015 -
01/07/2015 Mirage IIIs 807 and 824 inadvertently broke the sound barrier on 15/11/65 at AFS Waterkloof during a fly
past put on for a special and famous visiting guest (2¾ pages text only);
01/06/2015 Alouette II 18 made a heavy landing on 04/08/67 during a test flight to check the helicopter's power off
autorotation capability, resulting in structural airframe damage, at AFS Ysterplaat (3.5 pages text and 7
period images);
01/05/2015 Buccaneer 415 landed one wheel up during SAAF aircrew conversion training at RNAS Lossiemouth, UK
on 26/07/65 (3.5 pages text and 15 period images);
01/04/2015 Harvard 7134* crashed into the ground during operational low flying training near Vereeniging, killing
both occupants on 21/12/43 (2½ pages text and 5 period images);
01/03/2015 Dakota 6801 suffered significant structural damage on 10/09/45 during a Shuttle Service flight when
incorrectly packed hazardous cargo inside the main cabin was inadvertently discharged in flight (1¼
pages text only);
01/02/2015 Cessna 185 722* struck high tension electrical cables during unauthorised low flying, crashed and burnt
out on 02/08/65 (2.5 pages text plus 6 period images);
01/01/2015 Shackleton 1718 landed wheels up at night at DF Malan Airport on 09/11/59 during a planned
asymmetric full stop landing (5 ¼ pages text and 7 period images);
01/12/2014 Wasp 81* ditched into the sea 1 mile north of the Milnerton lighthouse after suffering sudden and
complete engine failure on 17/06/64 (5.3 pages text and 16 period images);

PRESENT ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS ARCHIVE updated monthly (* confirmed write-off)

Aermacchi MB 326 Impala

487 03/01/68; 472 10/09/68; 512 18/08/69;

Aermacchi/Aeritaia AM-3CM Bosbok


5411* 15/06/56;

Avro MR Mk 3 Shackleton

1718 05/10/57; 1716 20/11/57; 1723 26/02/58; 1718 09/11/59; 1718* 08/08/63;

Blackburn S MK 50 Buccaneer

415 26/07/65; 417* 30/10/65; 415 06/03/69; 415* 16/10/69;

Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk 6

351 04/04/57; 367 30/09/65; 359 04/03/66; 353* 26/04/66;

Cessna 185

722* 02/08/65; 717 29/01/66; 744* 25/08/66; 751 14/05/69; 713 26/11/69;

Cessna 320

ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) 09/10/69;

Dassault Mirage III

816 28/05/64; 824 15/11/65; 821* 15/03/69;

De Havilland Vampire

212* 03/02/53; 236* 22/09/54; 233* 08/10/54; 246* 24/11/55; 268 20/10/65;
268 27/01/66;

Dornier Do 27A

5430 03/11/58;

Douglas C-47/Dakota

6807 28/08/43; 6853 01/04/45; 6847* 08/07/45; 6801 10/09/45; 6822 23/01/46;
6832 26/01/66;

Douglas C-54/DC-4 Skymaster

English Electric Canberra

Hawker Siddeley HS.125-400B Mercurius

Lockheed C-130 Hercules

North American Texan/Harvard

7141 19/01/43; 7200 19/02/43; 7099/Hind 123 12/03/43; 7011* 13/04/43;
7264 23/04/43; 7228 26/04/43; 7281* 04/05/43; 7092*/7119* 17/05/43;
7260 17/05/43; 7170* 12/06/43; 7251* 05/07/43; 7277* 29/07/43;
7097 03/08/43; 7060 10/08/43; 7174 16/08/43; 7164 19/08/43;
7274 06/09/43; 7318* 06/09/43; 7289 09/09/43; 7266 04/10/43;
7168/7231 13/10/43; 7091* 21/10/43; 7108* 05/11/43; 7388 09/11/43;
7122* 11/11/43; 7205*/7227* 21/11/43; 7391 26/11/43; 7001 04/12/43;
7085* 11/12/43; 7260* 14/12/43; 7134* 21/12/43; 7419* 05/01/44;
7198 11/01/44; 7262 11/01/44; 7074* 19/01/44; 7107 21/01/44;
7351 27/01/44; 7094 08/02/44; 7278 09/02/44; 7121* 24/02/44;
7452* 13/03/44; 7241* 16/03/44; 7283* 27/03/44; 7160/7217* 31/03/44;
7418* 19/04/44; 7126 25/04/44; watch this space!

Piaggio P.166S Albatross

Sud Est SE 3130 Alouette II

21 22/04/66; 16* 03/10/66; 18 20/07/67; 18 01/08/67; 18 02/08/67;
18 04/08/67;

Sud Est SE3160/SA316B Alouette III

43 07/01/63; 56(1)* 08/01/66; 47 25/02/66; 39 19/04/66; 63 19/09/66;

Sud Aviation SA 321L Super Frelon

301 25/07/67;

Sud Aviation SA 330 Puma

Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX

5622* 03/04/54;

Swearingen Merlin Mk IVA

Transall C-160Z

Vickers Viscount

150 19/03/63;

Westland HAS Mk 1 Wasp

81* 17/06/64; 82 08/08/67; 84 18/03/68; 87* 19/09/68;

Total Separate Accident/Incident Archive Occurrences To Date: 103

Note: Where no entry appears under a specific type, this means that the type qualifies, but that I have not yet processed any occurrence involving this type ie, watch this space!


How would you like to receive your personal copy of my Accident Summaries? Better still, how would you like to receive them in your inbox in original full length version with full supporting period and other image accompaniment with relevant tables/charts/diagrams/transcripts etc where appropriate!? Now it is possible. With Dean's consent, commencing about the start of each month and every month thereafter, I will announce the availability of one previously unpublished Accident Summary to those registered to:

Summaries vary in length from about ¾ page of text to as many as eight excluding images and image captions.
Note that not all occurrences are image accompanied depending on the circumstances of the occurrence and what copy of the Court/Board of Inquiry/Station Investigation I get to process.

Accidents will cover the time period 01/10/42 to 31/12/75 as per the high-end limitations imposed by current legislation in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act and involve all types of attrition, both benign and spectacular, to exclusively the following types: the Harvard/Texan, C-47/Dakota, C-54/Skymaster, C-130 Hercules, Transall C-160Z, Merlin Mk IVA, HS.125 Mercurius, Viscount, Shackleton, Cessna 185, AM-3CM Bosbok, two Do 27, one Auster, one Spitfire, Canberra, Buccaneer, Mirage III, Vampire, Sabre, Impala, Wasp, Alouette II and III, Puma and the Super Frelon. No single type will be represented more than twice over a given 12-month period with exception of the Harvard for which a minimum/maximum of two Harvard occurrences will appear in every 12-month period guaranteed. Other types may be added in due course.

All summaries appearing in the database below are available for purchase by anyone at any time at R35 per summary all inclusive.

Simply let me know exactly what aircraft types you would potentially be interested in from the database and give me your e-mail, and I will contact you as soon as a summary involving that aircraft type becomes available for purchase.

If you are interested, please contact me on: or telephone: 031 261 8748 (H + W) all hours or 072 2749 032 (sms only please) for payment details or if you have any queries regarding this subject.

All purchases will be subject to my terms and conditions and copyright, which include among others, that no summary or part thereof (including images) may be reproduced on any site or publication or other communications systems for any purpose whatsoever and that summaries are for personal (private) use exclusively and may not be distributed to a second party for any reason whatsoever. By making payment, the purchaser will thus consent to having read and fully agreed to these terms and conditions.

Upon request, I may waiver the copyright for a particular purchased accident summary to be reproduced verbatim on a site or in a publication at my sole discretion, provided that the source is acknowledged.

Although this system is prone to abuse, I would strongly advise that individuals would refrain from doing so, since it may well compromise the success of this effort and if I feel that it is not being sustainably successful, I will have no choice but to discontinue this effort and the future of summaries being available to the public will be forever jeopardised. By personally honouring the above terms, you will thus be investing in the future of more summaries being made available, both for your personal information and for that of others.

Note: Due to logistical limitations on my part, payments made in a given month will only see that summary e-mailed during the first week of the following month.

There is plenty of potential SAAF aircraft history and operational procedure waiting to be unlocked and revealed to the glory of SAAF aviation history. Please allow me to make it happen for YOU!

In the interests of flying safety and preserving SAAF history.


Clinton Barnard


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PostPosted: 26 Nov 2015, 15:45 

Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 13:41
Posts: 89
Hi All

I rate this as one of the best four of the many Harvard accident summaries I have done to date. Why? Because it ticks all the boxes in the areas that matter, but more significantly, it is more revealing on the procedures, layout, equipment etc regarding air firing ranges, than any wartime accident I have yet done. Harvard fans will relish this detail intricately woven into the actual accident events.

Having already detailed the first major accident to have befallen the Dornier Do 27A, next month we will consider the second major flying accident to have been suffered by this quaint type while in SAAF service.

With thanks.

Clinton Barnard

Updates (one year back): (* confirmed write-off)

01/12/2015 Harvard 7125* flew into the ground during a practise air-to-ground strafing pass on 12/04/44 at the
Air Firing Range at Vaal Dam (3¾ pages, 1 diagram and 7 period images);
01/11/2015 Alouette III 43 crashed on 07/01/63 at the De Wet Range, near Bloemfontein, whilst taking off on a local
area general flying training exercise including landings away from base (2+ pages text and 6 period
01/10/2015 Vampire 212* crashed fatally whilst performing the briefed steep formation take-off from AFS
Langebaanweg on 03/02/53 in company with three other examples (4.8 pages text,12 period
images, 1 table and 1 diagram);
01/09/2015 South African Police Cessna 320 ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) crashed on landing at AFB Swartkop
09/10/69 under strong crosswind conditions after the port tyre burst on brake application (1.5 pages text
and 5 period images);
01/08/2015 -
01/07/2015 Mirage IIIs 807 and 824 inadvertently broke the sound barrier on 15/11/65 at AFS Waterkloof during a fly
past put on for a special and famous visiting guest (2¾ pages text only);
01/06/2015 Alouette II 18 made a heavy landing on 04/08/67 during a test flight to check the helicopter's power off
autorotation capability, resulting in structural airframe damage, at AFS Ysterplaat (3.5 pages text and 7
period images);
01/05/2015 Buccaneer 415 landed one wheel up during SAAF aircrew conversion training at RNAS Lossiemouth, UK
on 26/07/65 (3.5 pages text and 15 period images);
01/04/2015 Harvard 7134* crashed into the ground during operational low flying training near Vereeniging, killing
both occupants on 21/12/43 (2½ pages text and 5 period images);
01/03/2015 Dakota 6801 suffered significant structural damage on 10/09/45 during a Shuttle Service flight when
incorrectly packed hazardous cargo inside the main cabin was inadvertently discharged in flight (1¼
pages text only);
01/02/2015 Cessna 185 722* struck high tension electrical cables during unauthorised low flying, crashed and burnt
out on 02/08/65 (2.5 pages text plus 6 period images);
01/01/2015 Shackleton 1718 landed wheels up at night at DF Malan Airport on 09/11/59 during a planned
asymmetric full stop landing (5 ¼ pages text and 7 period images);

PRESENT ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS ARCHIVE updated monthly (* confirmed write-off)

Aermacchi MB 326 Impala

487 03/01/68; 472 10/09/68; 512 18/08/69;

Aermacchi/Aeritaia AM-3CM Bosbok


5411* 15/06/56;

Avro MR Mk 3 Shackleton

1718 05/10/57; 1716 20/11/57; 1723 26/02/58; 1718 09/11/59; 1718* 08/08/63;

Blackburn S MK 50 Buccaneer

415 26/07/65; 417* 30/10/65; 415 06/03/69; 415* 16/10/69;

Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk 6

351 04/04/57; 367 30/09/65; 359 04/03/66; 353* 26/04/66;

Cessna 185

722* 02/08/65; 717 29/01/66; 744* 25/08/66; 751 14/05/69; 713 26/11/69;

Cessna 320

ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) 09/10/69;

Dassault Mirage III

816 28/05/64; 824 15/11/65; 821* 15/03/69;

De Havilland Vampire

212* 03/02/53; 236* 22/09/54; 233* 08/10/54; 246* 24/11/55; 268 20/10/65;
268 27/01/66;

Dornier Do 27A

5430 03/11/58; watch this space!

Douglas C-47/Dakota

6807 28/08/43; 6853 01/04/45; 6847* 08/07/45; 6801 10/09/45; 6822 23/01/46;
6832 26/01/66;

Douglas C-54/DC-4 Skymaster

English Electric Canberra

Hawker Siddeley HS.125-400B Mercurius

Lockheed C-130 Hercules

North American Texan/Harvard

7141 19/01/43; 7200 19/02/43; 7099/Hind 123 12/03/43; 7011* 13/04/43;
7264 23/04/43; 7228 26/04/43; 7281* 04/05/43; 7092*/7119* 17/05/43;
7260 17/05/43; 7170* 12/06/43; 7251* 05/07/43; 7277* 29/07/43;
7097 03/08/43; 7060 10/08/43; 7174 16/08/43; 7164 19/08/43;
7274 06/09/43; 7318* 06/09/43; 7289 09/09/43; 7266 04/10/43;
7168/7231 13/10/43; 7091* 21/10/43; 7108* 05/11/43; 7388 09/11/43;
7122* 11/11/43; 7205*/7227* 21/11/43; 7391 26/11/43; 7001 04/12/43;
7085* 11/12/43; 7260* 14/12/43; 7134* 21/12/43; 7419* 05/01/44;
7198 11/01/44; 7262 11/01/44; 7074* 19/01/44; 7107 21/01/44;
7351 27/01/44; 7094 08/02/44; 7278 09/02/44; 7121* 24/02/44;
7452* 13/03/44; 7241* 16/03/44; 7283* 27/03/44; 7160/7217* 31/03/44;
7125* 12/04/44; 7418* 19/04/44; 7126 25/04/44;

Piaggio P.166S Albatross

Sud Est SE 3130 Alouette II

21 22/04/66; 16* 03/10/66; 18 20/07/67; 18 01/08/67; 18 02/08/67;
18 04/08/67;

Sud Est SE3160/SA316B Alouette III

43 07/01/63; 56(1)* 08/01/66; 47 25/02/66; 39 19/04/66; 63 19/09/66;

Sud Aviation SA 321L Super Frelon

301 25/07/67;

Sud Aviation SA 330 Puma

Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX

5622* 03/04/54;

Swearingen Merlin Mk IVA

Transall C-160Z

Vickers Viscount

150 19/03/63;

Westland HAS Mk 1 Wasp

81* 17/06/64; 82 08/08/67; 84 18/03/68; 87* 19/09/68;

Total Separate Accident/Incident Archive Occurrences To Date: 104

Note: Where no entry appears under a specific type, this means that the type qualifies, but that I have not yet processed any occurrence involving this type ie, watch this space!


How would you like to receive your personal copy of my Accident Summaries? Better still, how would you like to receive them in your inbox in original full length version with full supporting period and other image accompaniment with relevant tables/charts/diagrams/transcripts etc where appropriate!? Now it is possible. With Dean's consent, commencing about the start of each month and every month thereafter, I will announce the availability of one previously unpublished Accident Summary to those registered to:

Summaries vary in length from about ¾ page of text to as many as eight excluding images and image captions.
Note that not all occurrences are image accompanied depending on the circumstances of the occurrence and what copy of the Court/Board of Inquiry/Station Investigation I get to process.

Accidents will cover the time period 01/10/42 to 31/12/75 as per the high-end limitations imposed by current legislation in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act and involve all types of attrition, both benign and spectacular, to exclusively the following types: the Harvard/Texan, C-47/Dakota, C-54/Skymaster, C-130 Hercules, Transall C-160Z, Merlin Mk IVA, HS.125 Mercurius, Viscount, Shackleton, Cessna 185, AM-3CM Bosbok, two Do 27, one Auster, one Spitfire, Canberra, Buccaneer, Mirage III, Vampire, Sabre, Impala, Wasp, Alouette II and III, Puma and the Super Frelon. No single type will be represented more than twice over a given 12-month period with exception of the Harvard for which a minimum/maximum of two Harvard occurrences will appear in every 12-month period guaranteed. Other types may be added in due course.

All summaries appearing in the database below are available for purchase by anyone at any time at R35 per summary all inclusive.

Simply let me know exactly what aircraft types you would potentially be interested in from the database and give me your e-mail, and I will contact you as soon as a summary involving that aircraft type becomes available for purchase.

If you are interested, please contact me on: or telephone: 031 261 8748 (H + W) all hours or 072 2749 032 (sms only please) for payment details or if you have any queries regarding this subject.

All purchases will be subject to my terms and conditions and copyright, which include among others, that no summary or part thereof (including images) may be reproduced on any site or publication or other communications systems for any purpose whatsoever and that summaries are for personal (private) use exclusively and may not be distributed to a second party for any reason whatsoever. By making payment, the purchaser will thus consent to having read and fully agreed to these terms and conditions.

Upon request, I may waiver the copyright for a particular purchased accident summary to be reproduced verbatim on a site or in a publication at my sole discretion, provided that the source is acknowledged.

Although this system is prone to abuse, I would strongly advise that individuals would refrain from doing so, since it may well compromise the success of this effort and if I feel that it is not being sustainably successful, I will have no choice but to discontinue this effort and the future of summaries being available to the public will be forever jeopardised. By personally honouring the above terms, you will thus be investing in the future of more summaries being made available, both for your personal information and for that of others.

Note: Due to logistical limitations on my part, payments made in a given month will only see that summary e-mailed during the first week of the following month.

There is plenty of potential SAAF aircraft history and operational procedure waiting to be unlocked and revealed to the glory of SAAF aviation history. Please allow me to make it happen for YOU!

In the interests of flying safety and preserving SAAF history.


Clinton Barnard


Reply with quote  
PostPosted: 01 Jan 2016, 09:47 

Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 13:41
Posts: 89
Hi All

With the close of another year, I have compiled a provisional list of aircraft accident summary releases for 2016. While only one new type appeared during 2015, two new types should make their debut in 2016, but you'll have to wait until closer to the time before their identities are revealed.

Once again, there will be some major and many minor accidents and incidents, although nothing particularly extraordinary from what I can recall. On the plus side, there are some occurrences of which I had no previous record and which have wonderful supporting period images that would be the envy of most aircraft enthusiasts! There will be at least four aircraft write-offs.

Next month will see the release of a causation not previously covered y me and the sole Impala offering for the year while single examples of the Mirage III, Sabre, Alouette II, Buccaneer, Harvard, Cessna 185, Shackleton and Dakota will also feature in no particular order.

The SAAF only acquired two Dornier Do 27As for evaluation purposes and both of them were almost written off in serious accidents, the latter pilot succeeding in this endeavour and writing himself off in the process. Human error played a significant role in both accidents which in no way discredited the Do 27. Be this as it may, the SAAF ultimately selected the simpler and more economical American Cessna 185 as its new light communications type over the German product.

The causation is simple and clear and the investigation proved uncomplicated. This results in a shorter than average accident summary from me for this month but with seven period images of the accident scene and one diagram of the layout of Belfast Airfield in support.

Happy holidays to all (including you Louis!)

With thanks.

Clinton Barnard

Updates (one year back): (* confirmed write-off)

01/01/2016 Dornier 5431* crashed fatally shortly after taking off from Belfast Airfield on 12/03/62 (1¾ pages
text, one diagram and 7 period images);
01/12/2015 Harvard 7125* flew into the ground during a practise air-to-ground strafing pass on 12/04/44 at the Air
Firing Range at Vaal Dam (3¾ pages text, 1 diagram and 7 period images);
01/11/2015 Alouette III 43 crashed on 07/01/63 at the De Wet Range, near Bloemfontein, whilst taking off on a local
area general flying training exercise including landings away from base (2+ pages text and 6 period
01/10/2015 Vampire 212* crashed fatally whilst performing the briefed steep formation take-off from AFS
Langebaanweg on 03/02/53 in company with three other examples (4.8 pages text,12 period
images, 1 table and 1 diagram);
01/09/2015 South African Police Cessna 320 ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) crashed on landing at AFB Swartkop
09/10/69 under strong crosswind conditions after the port tyre burst on brake application (1.5 pages text
and 5 period images);
01/08/2015 -
01/07/2015 Mirage IIIs 807 and 824 inadvertently broke the sound barrier on 15/11/65 at AFS Waterkloof during a fly
past put on for a special and famous visiting guest (2¾ pages text only);
01/06/2015 Alouette II 18 made a heavy landing on 04/08/67 during a test flight to check the helicopter's power off
autorotation capability, resulting in structural airframe damage, at AFS Ysterplaat (3.5 pages text and 7
period images);
01/05/2015 Buccaneer 415 landed one wheel up during SAAF aircrew conversion training at RNAS Lossiemouth, UK
on 26/07/65 (3.5 pages text and 15 period images);
01/04/2015 Harvard 7134* crashed into the ground during operational low flying training near Vereeniging, killing
both occupants on 21/12/43 (2½ pages text and 5 period images);
01/03/2015 Dakota 6801 suffered significant structural damage on 10/09/45 during a Shuttle Service flight when
incorrectly packed hazardous cargo inside the main cabin was inadvertently discharged in flight (1¼
pages text only);
01/02/2015 Cessna 185 722* struck high tension electrical cables during unauthorised low flying, crashed and burnt
out on 02/08/65 (2.5 pages text plus 6 period images);

PRESENT ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS ARCHIVE updated monthly (* confirmed write-off)

Aermacchi MB 326 Impala

487 03/01/68; 472 10/09/68; 512 18/08/69; watch this space!

Aermacchi/Aeritaia AM-3CM Bosbok


5411* 15/06/56;

Avro MR Mk 3 Shackleton

1718 05/10/57; 1716 20/11/57; 1723 26/02/58; 1718 09/11/59; 1718* 08/08/63;

Blackburn S MK 50 Buccaneer

415 26/07/65; 417* 30/10/65; 415 06/03/69; 415* 16/10/69;

Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk 6

351 04/04/57; 367 30/09/65; 359 04/03/66; 353* 26/04/66;

Cessna 185

722* 02/08/65; 717 29/01/66; 744* 25/08/66; 751 14/05/69; 713 26/11/69;

Cessna 320

ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) 09/10/69;

Dassault Mirage III

816 28/05/64; 824 15/11/65; 821* 15/03/69;

De Havilland Vampire

212* 03/02/53; 236* 22/09/54; 233* 08/10/54; 246* 24/11/55; 268 20/10/65;
268 27/01/66;

Dornier Do 27A

5430 03/11/58; 5431* 12/03/62;

Douglas C-47/Dakota

6807 28/08/43; 6853 01/04/45; 6847* 08/07/45; 6801 10/09/45; 6822 23/01/46;
6832 26/01/66;

Douglas C-54/DC-4 Skymaster

English Electric Canberra

Hawker Siddeley HS.125-400B Mercurius

Lockheed C-130 Hercules

North American Texan/Harvard

7141 19/01/43; 7200 19/02/43; 7099/Hind 123 12/03/43; 7011* 13/04/43;
7264 23/04/43; 7228 26/04/43; 7281* 04/05/43; 7092*/7119* 17/05/43;
7260 17/05/43; 7170* 12/06/43; 7251* 05/07/43; 7277* 29/07/43;
7097 03/08/43; 7060 10/08/43; 7174 16/08/43; 7164 19/08/43;
7274 06/09/43; 7318* 06/09/43; 7289 09/09/43; 7266 04/10/43;
7168/7231 13/10/43; 7091* 21/10/43; 7108* 05/11/43; 7388 09/11/43;
7122* 11/11/43; 7205*/7227* 21/11/43; 7391 26/11/43; 7001 04/12/43;
7085* 11/12/43; 7260* 14/12/43; 7134* 21/12/43; 7419* 05/01/44;
7198 11/01/44; 7262 11/01/44; 7074* 19/01/44; 7107 21/01/44;
7351 27/01/44; 7094 08/02/44; 7278 09/02/44; 7121* 24/02/44;
7452* 13/03/44; 7241* 16/03/44; 7283* 27/03/44; 7160/7217* 31/03/44;
7125* 12/04/44; 7418* 19/04/44; 7126 25/04/44;

Piaggio P.166S Albatross

Sud Est SE 3130 Alouette II

21 22/04/66; 16* 03/10/66; 18 20/07/67; 18 01/08/67; 18 02/08/67;
18 04/08/67;

Sud Est SE3160/SA316B Alouette III

43 07/01/63; 56(1)* 08/01/66; 47 25/02/66; 39 19/04/66; 63 19/09/66;

Sud Aviation SA 321L Super Frelon

301 25/07/67;

Sud Aviation SA 330 Puma

Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX

5622* 03/04/54;

Swearingen Merlin Mk IVA

Transall C-160Z

Vickers Viscount

150 19/03/63;

Westland HAS Mk 1 Wasp

81* 17/06/64; 82 08/08/67; 84 18/03/68; 87* 19/09/68;

Total Separate Accident/Incident Archive Occurrences To Date: 105

Note: Where no entry appears under a specific type, this means that the type qualifies, but that I have not yet processed any occurrence involving this type ie, watch this space!


How would you like to receive your personal copy of my Accident Summaries? Better still, how would you like to receive them in your inbox in original full length version with full supporting period and other image accompaniment with relevant tables/charts/diagrams/transcripts etc where appropriate!? Now it is possible. With Dean's consent, commencing about the start of each month and every month thereafter, I will announce the availability of one previously unpublished Accident Summary to those registered to:

Summaries vary in length from about ¾ page of text to as many as eight excluding images and image captions.
Note that not all occurrences are image accompanied depending on the circumstances of the occurrence and what copy of the Court/Board of Inquiry/Station Investigation I get to process.

Accidents will cover the time period 01/10/42 to 31/12/75 as per the high-end limitations imposed by current legislation in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act and involve all types of attrition, both benign and spectacular, to exclusively the following types: the Harvard/Texan, C-47/Dakota, C-54/Skymaster, C-130 Hercules, Transall C-160Z, Merlin Mk IVA, HS.125 Mercurius, Viscount, Shackleton, Cessna 185, AM-3CM Bosbok, two Do 27, one Auster, one Spitfire, Canberra, Buccaneer, Mirage III, Vampire, Sabre, Impala, Wasp, Alouette II and III, Puma and the Super Frelon. No single type will be represented more than twice over a given 12-month period with exception of the Harvard for which a minimum/maximum of two Harvard occurrences will appear in every 12-month period guaranteed. Other types may be added in due course.

All summaries appearing in the database below are available for purchase by anyone at any time at R35 per summary all inclusive.

Simply let me know exactly what aircraft types you would potentially be interested in from the database and give me your e-mail, and I will contact you as soon as a summary involving that aircraft type becomes available for purchase.

If you are interested, please contact me on: or telephone: 031 261 8748 (H + W) all hours or 072 2749 032 (sms only please) for payment details or if you have any queries regarding this subject.

All purchases will be subject to my terms and conditions and copyright, which include among others, that no summary or part thereof (including images) may be reproduced on any site or publication or other communications systems for any purpose whatsoever and that summaries are for personal (private) use exclusively and may not be distributed to a second party for any reason whatsoever. By making payment, the purchaser will thus consent to having read and fully agreed to these terms and conditions.

Upon request, I may waiver the copyright for a particular purchased accident summary to be reproduced verbatim on a site or in a publication at my sole discretion, provided that the source is acknowledged.

Although this system is prone to abuse, I would strongly advise that individuals would refrain from doing so, since it may well compromise the success of this effort and if I feel that it is not being sustainably successful, I will have no choice but to discontinue this effort and the future of summaries being available to the public will be forever jeopardised. By personally honouring the above terms, you will thus be investing in the future of more summaries being made available, both for your personal information and for that of others.

Note: Due to logistical limitations on my part, payments made in a given month will only see that summary e-mailed during the first week of the following month.

There is plenty of potential SAAF aircraft history and operational procedure waiting to be unlocked and revealed to the glory of SAAF aviation history. Please allow me to make it happen for YOU!

In the interests of flying safety and preserving SAAF history.


Clinton Barnard


Reply with quote  
PostPosted: 03 Feb 2016, 06:53 

Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 13:41
Posts: 89
Hi All,

Due to me being without my trusty Acer laptop for the last three weeks and only due back early to mid March while awaiting spares from overseas, no SAAF Research (due out now) or any new accidents summaries will be announced until then.

My apologies for this this inconvenience.

With thanks.

Clinton Barnard

Reply with quote  
PostPosted: 06 Mar 2016, 10:06 

Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 13:41
Posts: 89
Hi All

For any who might have not heard why this release is a month delayed, my laptop burn programme went defective and simultaneously I also got one of my lid hinges replaced after becoming Cat 3! So apologies for the delay.

Since the Impala is one of my favourite SAAF aircraft and the number of accident events it had been involved in prior to 1970 are in short supply, I have no difficulty in assigning absolutely any accident occurrence, no matter how benign, to its part of my archive! Since this was the first bird strike occurrence I have ever come across, I was not going to hackle about whether to include it or not in this case, but I have yet to decide as to whether I will do all bird strike occurrences in the future in a similar way, especially if not too serious.

More likely, I will list all significant details regarding any particular bird strike occurrence, in my SAAF RESEARCH newsletter, for completeness.

This is the shortest accident summary I have yet done and is of necessity not as detailed as Station Investigations or Courts/Boards of Inquiry. To cite but one example, no aircraft total airframe hours at occurrence or manufacture date are given.

Next month's offering will be a mid-period Sabre accident.

With thanks.

Clinton Barnard

Updates (one year back): (* confirmed write-off)

01/03/2016 Impala 508 suffered a bird strike whilst in the circuit at Langebaanweg on 24/11/69 (½ page text
and 1 period image);
01/02/2016 -
01/01/2016 Dornier 5431* crashed fatally shortly after taking off from Belfast Airfield on 12/03/62 (1¾ pages text, 1
diagram and 7 period images);
01/12/2015 Harvard 7125* flew into the ground during a practise air-to-ground strafing pass on 12/04/44 at the Air
Firing Range at Vaal Dam (3¾ pages text, 1 diagram and 7 period images);
01/11/2015 Alouette III 43 crashed on 07/01/63 at the De Wet Range, near Bloemfontein, whilst taking off on a local
area general flying training exercise including landings away from base (2+ pages text and 6 period
01/10/2015 Vampire 212* crashed fatally whilst performing the briefed steep formation take-off from AFS
Langebaanweg on 03/02/53 in company with three other examples (4.8 pages text,12 period
images, 1 table and 1 diagram);
01/09/2015 South African Police Cessna 320 ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) crashed on landing at AFB Swartkop
09/10/69 under strong crosswind conditions after the port tyre burst on brake application (1.5 pages text
and 5 period images);
01/08/2015 -
01/07/2015 Mirage IIIs 807 and 824 inadvertently broke the sound barrier on 15/11/65 at AFS Waterkloof during a fly
past put on for a special and famous visiting guest (2¾ pages text only);
01/06/2015 Alouette II 18 made a heavy landing on 04/08/67 during a test flight to check the helicopter's power off
autorotation capability, resulting in structural airframe damage, at AFS Ysterplaat (3.5 pages text and 7
period images);
01/05/2015 Buccaneer 415 landed one wheel up during SAAF aircrew conversion training at RNAS Lossiemouth, UK
on 26/07/65 (3.5 pages text and 15 period images);
01/04/2015 Harvard 7134* crashed into the ground during operational low flying training near Vereeniging, killing
both occupants on 21/12/43 (2½ pages text and 5 period images);
01/03/2015 Dakota 6801 suffered significant structural damage on 10/09/45 during a Shuttle Service flight when
incorrectly packed hazardous cargo inside the main cabin was inadvertently discharged in flight (1¼
pages text only);

PRESENT ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS ARCHIVE updated monthly (* confirmed write-off)

Aermacchi MB 326 Impala

487 03/01/68; 472 10/09/68; 512 18/08/69; 508 24/11/69;

Aermacchi/Aeritaia AM-3CM Bosbok


5411* 15/06/56;

Avro MR Mk 3 Shackleton

1718 05/10/57; 1716 20/11/57; 1723 26/02/58; 1718 09/11/59; 1718* 08/08/63;

Blackburn S MK 50 Buccaneer

415 26/07/65; 417* 30/10/65; 415 06/03/69; 415* 16/10/69;

Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk 6

351 04/04/57; 367 30/09/65; 359 04/03/66; 353* 26/04/66; watch this space!

Cessna 185

722* 02/08/65; 717 29/01/66; 744* 25/08/66; 751 14/05/69; 713 26/11/69;

Cessna 320

ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) 09/10/69;

Dassault Mirage III

816 28/05/64; 824 15/11/65; 821* 15/03/69;

De Havilland Vampire

212* 03/02/53; 236* 22/09/54; 233* 08/10/54; 246* 24/11/55; 268 20/10/65;
268 27/01/66;

Dornier Do 27A

5430 03/11/58; 5431* 12/03/62;

Douglas C-47/Dakota

6807 28/08/43; 6853 01/04/45; 6847* 08/07/45; 6801 10/09/45; 6822 23/01/46;
6832 26/01/66;

Douglas C-54/DC-4 Skymaster

English Electric Canberra

Hawker Siddeley HS.125-400B Mercurius

Lockheed C-130 Hercules

North American Texan/Harvard

7141 19/01/43; 7200 19/02/43; 7099/Hind 123 12/03/43; 7011* 13/04/43;
7264 23/04/43; 7228 26/04/43; 7281* 04/05/43; 7092*/7119* 17/05/43;
7260 17/05/43; 7170* 12/06/43; 7251* 05/07/43; 7277* 29/07/43;
7097 03/08/43; 7060 10/08/43; 7174 16/08/43; 7164 19/08/43;
7274 06/09/43; 7318* 06/09/43; 7289 09/09/43; 7266 04/10/43;
7168/7231 13/10/43; 7091* 21/10/43; 7108* 05/11/43; 7388 09/11/43;
7122* 11/11/43; 7205*/7227* 21/11/43; 7391 26/11/43; 7001 04/12/43;
7085* 11/12/43; 7260* 14/12/43; 7134* 21/12/43; 7419* 05/01/44; 7198 11/01/44; 7262 11/01/44; 7074* 19/01/44; 7107 21/01/44;
7351 27/01/44; 7094 08/02/44; 7278 09/02/44; 7121* 24/02/44;
7452* 13/03/44; 7241* 16/03/44; 7283* 27/03/44; 7160/7217* 31/03/44;
7125* 12/04/44; 7418* 19/04/44; 7126 25/04/44;

Piaggio P.166S Albatross

Sud Est SE 3130 Alouette II

21 22/04/66; 16* 03/10/66; 18 20/07/67; 18 01/08/67; 18 02/08/67;
18 04/08/67;

Sud Est SE3160/SA316B Alouette III

43 07/01/63; 56(1)* 08/01/66; 47 25/02/66; 39 19/04/66; 63 19/09/66;

Sud Aviation SA 321L Super Frelon

301 25/07/67;

Sud Aviation SA 330 Puma

Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX

5622* 03/04/54;

Swearingen Merlin Mk IVA

Transall C-160Z

Vickers Viscount

150 19/03/63;

Westland HAS Mk 1 Wasp

81* 17/06/64; 82 08/08/67; 84 18/03/68; 87* 19/09/68;

Total Separate Accident/Incident Archive Occurrences To Date: 106

Note: Where no entry appears under a specific type, this means that the type qualifies, but that I have not yet processed any occurrence involving this type ie, watch this space!


How would you like to receive your personal copy of my Accident Summaries? Better still, how would you like to receive them in your inbox in original full length version with full supporting period and other image accompaniment with relevant tables/charts/diagrams/transcripts etc where appropriate!? Now it is possible. With Dean's consent, commencing about the start of each month and every month thereafter, I will announce the availability of one previously unpublished Accident Summary to those registered to:

Summaries vary in length from about ¾ page of text to as many as eight excluding images and image captions.
Note that not all occurrences are image accompanied depending on the circumstances of the occurrence and what copy of the Court/Board of Inquiry/Station Investigation I get to process.

Accidents will cover the time period 01/10/42 to 31/12/75 as per the high-end limitations imposed by current legislation in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act and involve all types of attrition, both benign and spectacular, to exclusively the following types: the Harvard/Texan, C-47/Dakota, C-54/Skymaster, C-130 Hercules, Transall C-160Z, Merlin Mk IVA, HS.125 Mercurius, Viscount, Shackleton, Cessna 185, AM-3CM Bosbok, two Do 27, one Auster, one Spitfire, Canberra, Buccaneer, Mirage III, Vampire, Sabre, Impala, Wasp, Alouette II and III, Puma and the Super Frelon. No single type will be represented more than twice over a given 12-month period with exception of the Harvard for which a minimum/maximum of two Harvard occurrences will appear in every 12-month period guaranteed. Other types may be added in due course.

All summaries appearing in the database below are available for purchase by anyone at any time at R35 per summary all inclusive.

Simply let me know exactly what aircraft types you would potentially be interested in from the database and give me your e-mail, and I will contact you as soon as a summary involving that aircraft type becomes available for purchase.

If you are interested, please contact me on: or telephone: 031 261 8748 (H + W) all hours or 072 2749 032 (sms only please) for payment details or if you have any queries regarding this subject.

All purchases will be subject to my terms and conditions and copyright, which include among others, that no summary or part thereof (including images) may be reproduced on any site or publication or other communications systems for any purpose whatsoever and that summaries are for personal (private) use exclusively and may not be distributed to a second party for any reason whatsoever. By making payment, the purchaser will thus consent to having read and fully agreed to these terms and conditions.

Upon request, I may waiver the copyright for a particular purchased accident summary to be reproduced verbatim on a site or in a publication at my sole discretion, provided that the source is acknowledged.

Although this system is prone to abuse, I would strongly advise that individuals would refrain from doing so, since it may well compromise the success of this effort and if I feel that it is not being sustainably successful, I will have no choice but to discontinue this effort and the future of summaries being available to the public will be forever jeopardised. By personally honouring the above terms, you will thus be investing in the future of more summaries being made available, both for your personal information and for that of others.

Note: Due to logistical limitations on my part, payments made in a given month will only see that summary e-mailed during the first week of the following month.

There is plenty of potential SAAF aircraft history and operational procedure waiting to be unlocked and revealed to the glory of SAAF aviation history. Please allow me to make it happen for YOU!

In the interests of flying safety and preserving SAAF history.


Clinton Barnard


Reply with quote  
 Post subject: Latest Accident Release
PostPosted: 27 Mar 2016, 11:55 

Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 13:41
Posts: 89
Hi All

In my opinion this accident is nothing exceptional, just a statistically complete and fairly average accident which will tick all the boxes for Sabre fans.

Interestingly, I was able to speak with the then president of the Board of Inquiry, Maj John D Boardman, who was able to confirm various aspects of this accident.

Next month's offering will be an early Shackleton accident.

With thanks.

Clinton Barnard

Updates (one year back): (* confirmed write-off)

01/04/2016 Sabre 357* crashed fatally within the grounds of AFS Waterkloof on 11/05/66 whilst conducting
visual smoke trials in front of a 1 Squadron flight commander and the technical officer (3½ pages
text, 3 period images and 1 diagram);
01/03/2016 Impala 508 suffered a bird strike whilst in the circuit at Langebaanweg on 24/11/69 (½ pages text and 1
period image);
01/02/2016 -
01/01/2016 Dornier 5431* crashed fatally shortly after taking off from Belfast Airfield on 12/03/62 (1¾ pages text, 1
diagram and 7 period images);
01/12/2015 Harvard 7125* flew into the ground during a practise air-to-ground strafing pass on 12/04/44 at the Air
Firing Range at Vaal Dam (3¾ pages text, 1 diagram and 7 period images);
01/11/2015 Alouette III 43 crashed on 07/01/63 at the De Wet Range, near Bloemfontein, whilst taking off on a local
area general flying training exercise including landings away from base (2+ pages text and 6 period
01/10/2015 Vampire 212* crashed fatally whilst performing the briefed steep formation take-off from AFS
Langebaanweg on 03/02/53 in company with three other examples (4.8 pages text,12 period
images, 1 table and 1 diagram);
01/09/2015 South African Police Cessna 320 ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) crashed on landing at AFB Swartkop
09/10/69 under strong crosswind conditions after the port tyre burst on brake application (1.5 pages text
and 5 period images);
01/08/2015 -
01/07/2015 Mirage IIIs 807 and 824 inadvertently broke the sound barrier on 15/11/65 at AFS Waterkloof during a fly
past put on for a special and famous visiting guest (2¾ pages text only);
01/06/2015 Alouette II 18 made a heavy landing on 04/08/67 during a test flight to check the helicopter's power off
autorotation capability, resulting in structural airframe damage, at AFS Ysterplaat (3.5 pages text and 7
period images);
01/05/2015 Buccaneer 415 landed one wheel up during SAAF aircrew conversion training at RNAS Lossiemouth, UK
on 26/07/65 (3.5 pages text and 15 period images);
01/04/2015 Harvard 7134* crashed into the ground during operational low flying training near Vereeniging, killing
both occupants on 21/12/43 (2½ pages text and 5 period images);

PRESENT ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS ARCHIVE updated monthly (* confirmed write-off)

Aermacchi MB 326 Impala

487 03/01/68; 472 10/09/68; 512 18/08/69; 508 24/11/69;

Aermacchi/Aeritaia AM-3CM Bosbok


5411* 15/06/56;

Avro MR Mk 3 Shackleton

1718 05/10/57; 1716 20/11/57; 1723 26/02/58; 1718 09/11/59; 1718* 08/08/63;
watch this space!

Blackburn S MK 50 Buccaneer

415 26/07/65; 417* 30/10/65; 415 06/03/69; 415* 16/10/69;

Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk 6

351 04/04/57; 367 30/09/65; 359 04/03/66; 353* 26/04/66; 357* 11/05/66;

Cessna 185

722* 02/08/65; 717 29/01/66; 744* 25/08/66; 751 14/05/69; 713 26/11/69;

Cessna 320

ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) 09/10/69;

Dassault Mirage III

816 28/05/64; 824 15/11/65; 821* 15/03/69;

De Havilland Vampire

212* 03/02/53; 236* 22/09/54; 233* 08/10/54; 246* 24/11/55; 268 20/10/65;
268 27/01/66;

Dornier Do 27A

5430 03/11/58; 5431* 12/03/62;

Douglas C-47/Dakota

6807 28/08/43; 6853 01/04/45; 6847* 08/07/45; 6801 10/09/45; 6822 23/01/46;
6832 26/01/66;

Douglas C-54/DC-4 Skymaster

English Electric Canberra

Hawker Siddeley HS.125-400B Mercurius

Lockheed C-130 Hercules

North American Texan/Harvard

7141 19/01/43; 7200 19/02/43; 7099/Hind 123 12/03/43; 7011* 13/04/43;
7264 23/04/43; 7228 26/04/43; 7281* 04/05/43; 7092*/7119* 17/05/43;
7260 17/05/43; 7170* 12/06/43; 7251* 05/07/43; 7277* 29/07/43;
7097 03/08/43; 7060 10/08/43; 7174 16/08/43; 7164 19/08/43;
7274 06/09/43; 7318* 06/09/43; 7289 09/09/43; 7266 04/10/43;
7168/7231 13/10/43; 7091* 21/10/43; 7108* 05/11/43; 7388 09/11/43;
7122* 11/11/43; 7205*/7227* 21/11/43; 7391 26/11/43; 7001 04/12/43;
7085* 11/12/43; 7260* 14/12/43; 7134* 21/12/43; 7419* 05/01/44;
7198 11/01/44; 7262 11/01/44; 7074* 19/01/44; 7107 21/01/44;
7351 27/01/44; 7094 08/02/44; 7278 09/02/44; 7121* 24/02/44;
7452* 13/03/44; 7241* 16/03/44; 7283* 27/03/44; 7160/7217* 31/03/44;
7125* 12/04/44; 7418* 19/04/44; 7126 25/04/44;

Piaggio P.166S Albatross

Sud Est SE 3130 Alouette II

21 22/04/66; 16* 03/10/66; 18 20/07/67; 18 01/08/67; 18 02/08/67;
18 04/08/67;

Sud Est SE3160/SA316B Alouette III

43 07/01/63; 56(1)* 08/01/66; 47 25/02/66; 39 19/04/66; 63 19/09/66;

Sud Aviation SA 321L Super Frelon

301 25/07/67;

Sud Aviation SA 330 Puma

Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX

5622* 03/04/54;

Swearingen Merlin Mk IVA

Transall C-160Z

Vickers Viscount

150 19/03/63;

Westland HAS Mk 1 Wasp

81* 17/06/64; 82 08/08/67; 84 18/03/68; 87* 19/09/68;

Total Separate Accident/Incident Archive Occurrences To Date: 107

Note: Where no entry appears under a specific type, this means that the type qualifies, but that I have not yet processed any occurrence involving this type ie, watch this space!


How would you like to receive your personal copy of my Accident Summaries? Better still, how would you like to receive them in your inbox in original full length version with full supporting period and other image accompaniment with relevant tables/charts/diagrams/transcripts etc where appropriate!? Now it is possible. With Dean's consent, commencing about the start of each month and every month thereafter, I will announce the availability of one previously unpublished Accident Summary to those registered to:

Summaries vary in length from about ¾ page of text to as many as eight excluding images and image captions.
Note that not all occurrences are image accompanied depending on the circumstances of the occurrence and what copy of the Court/Board of Inquiry/Station Investigation I get to process.

Accidents will cover the time period 01/10/42 to 31/12/75 as per the high-end limitations imposed by current legislation in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act and involve all types of attrition, both benign and spectacular, to exclusively the following types: the Harvard/Texan, C-47/Dakota, C-54/Skymaster, C-130 Hercules, Transall C-160Z, Merlin Mk IVA, HS.125 Mercurius, Viscount, Shackleton, Cessna 185, AM-3CM Bosbok, two Do 27, one Auster, one Spitfire, Canberra, Buccaneer, Mirage III, Vampire, Sabre, Impala, Wasp, Alouette II and III, Puma and the Super Frelon. No single type will be represented more than twice over a given 12-month period with exception of the Harvard for which a minimum/maximum of two Harvard occurrences will appear in every 12-month period guaranteed. Other types may be added in due course.

All summaries appearing in the database below are available for purchase by anyone at any time at R35 per summary all inclusive.

Simply let me know exactly what aircraft types you would potentially be interested in from the database and give me your e-mail, and I will contact you as soon as a summary involving that aircraft type becomes available for purchase.

If you are interested, please contact me on: or telephone: 031 261 8748 (H + W) all hours or 072 2749 032 (sms only please) for payment details or if you have any queries regarding this subject.

All purchases will be subject to my terms and conditions and copyright, which include among others, that no summary or part thereof (including images) may be reproduced on any site or publication or other communications systems for any purpose whatsoever and that summaries are for personal (private) use exclusively and may not be distributed to a second party for any reason whatsoever. By making payment, the purchaser will thus consent to having read and fully agreed to these terms and conditions.

Upon request, I may waiver the copyright for a particular purchased accident summary to be reproduced verbatim on a site or in a publication at my sole discretion, provided that the source is acknowledged.

Although this system is prone to abuse, I would strongly advise that individuals would refrain from doing so, since it may well compromise the success of this effort and if I feel that it is not being sustainably successful, I will have no choice but to discontinue this effort and the future of summaries being available to the public will be forever jeopardised. By personally honouring the above terms, you will thus be investing in the future of more summaries being made available, both for your personal information and for that of others.

Note: Due to logistical limitations on my part, payments made in a given month will only see that summary e-mailed during the first week of the following month.

There is plenty of potential SAAF aircraft history and operational procedure waiting to be unlocked and revealed to the glory of SAAF aviation history. Please allow me to make it happen for YOU!

In the interests of flying safety and preserving SAAF history.


Clinton Barnard


Reply with quote  
 Post subject: Next Accident Release
PostPosted: 01 May 2016, 11:51 

Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 13:41
Posts: 89
Hi All

Despite Shackleton accident occurrences being amongst the most interesting generally, this month's occurrence is nothing exceptional, but it does highlight the flight crews' resourcefulness in trying to overcome an impossible dilemma!

Images of wheels -up landings are always spectacular, especially when they involve so many propellers.

Next month's offering will be a very early Cessna 185 accident and an exceptional one at that.

With thanks.

Clinton Barnard

Updates (one year back): (* confirmed write-off)

01/05/2016 Shackleton 1722 landed nosewheel unlocked at DF Malan Airport on July 7, 1960 during a
routine training flight launched from AFS Ysterplaat (2½ pages text and 5 period images);
01/04/2016 Sabre 357* crashed fatally within the grounds of AFS Waterkloof on 11/05/66 whilst conducting visual
smoke trials in front of a 1 Squadron flight commander and the technical officer (3½ pages text, 3 period
images and 1 diagram);
01/03/2016 Impala 508 suffered a bird strike whilst in the circuit at Langebaanweg on 24/11/69 (½ pages text and 1
period image);
01/02/2016 -
01/01/2016 Dornier 5431* crashed fatally shortly after taking off from Belfast Airfield on 12/03/62 (1¾ pages text, 1
diagram and 7 period images);
01/12/2015 Harvard 7125* flew into the ground during a practise air-to-ground strafing pass on 12/04/44 at the Air
Firing Range at Vaal Dam (3¾ pages text, 1 diagram and 7 period images);
01/11/2015 Alouette III 43 crashed on 07/01/63 at the De Wet Range, near Bloemfontein, whilst taking off on a local
area general flying training exercise including landings away from base (2+ pages text and 6 period
01/10/2015 Vampire 212* crashed fatally whilst performing the briefed steep formation take-off from AFS
Langebaanweg on 03/02/53 in company with three other examples (4.8 pages text,12 period
images, 1 table and 1 diagram);
01/09/2015 South African Police Cessna 320 ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) crashed on landing at AFB Swartkop
09/10/69 under strong crosswind conditions after the port tyre burst on brake application (1.5 pages text
and 5 period images);
01/08/2015 -
01/07/2015 Mirage IIIs 807 and 824 inadvertently broke the sound barrier on 15/11/65 at AFS Waterkloof during a fly
past put on for a special and famous visiting guest (2¾ pages text only);
01/06/2015 Alouette II 18 made a heavy landing on 04/08/67 during a test flight to check the helicopter's power off
autorotation capability, resulting in structural airframe damage, at AFS Ysterplaat (3.5 pages text and 7
period images);
01/05/2015 Buccaneer 415 landed one wheel up during SAAF aircrew conversion training at RNAS Lossiemouth, UK
on 26/07/65 (3.5 pages text and 15 period images);

PRESENT ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS ARCHIVE updated monthly (* confirmed write-off)

Aermacchi MB 326 Impala

487 03/01/68; 472 10/09/68; 512 18/08/69; 508 24/11/69;

Aermacchi/Aeritaia AM-3CM Bosbok


5411* 15/06/56;

Avro MR Mk 3 Shackleton

1718 05/10/57; 1716 20/11/57; 1723 26/02/58; 1718 09/11/59; 1722 07/07/60;
1718* 08/08/63;

Blackburn S MK 50 Buccaneer

415 26/07/65; 417* 30/10/65; 415 06/03/69; 415* 16/10/69;

Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk 6

351 04/04/57; 367 30/09/65; 359 04/03/66; 353* 26/04/66; 357* 11/05/66;

Cessna 185

722* 02/08/65; 717 29/01/66; 744* 25/08/66; 751 14/05/69; 713 26/11/69;
watch this space!

Cessna 320

ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) 09/10/69;

Dassault Mirage III

816 28/05/64; 824 15/11/65; 821* 15/03/69;

De Havilland Vampire

212* 03/02/53; 236* 22/09/54; 233* 08/10/54; 246* 24/11/55; 268 20/10/65;
268 27/01/66;

Dornier Do 27A

5430 03/11/58; 5431* 12/03/62;

Douglas C-47/Dakota

6807 28/08/43; 6853 01/04/45; 6847* 08/07/45; 6801 10/09/45; 6822 23/01/46;
6832 26/01/66;

Douglas C-54/DC-4 Skymaster

English Electric Canberra

Hawker Siddeley HS.125-400B Mercurius

Lockheed C-130 Hercules

North American Texan/Harvard

7141 19/01/43; 7200 19/02/43; 7099/Hind 123 12/03/43; 7011* 13/04/43;
7264 23/04/43; 7228 26/04/43; 7281* 04/05/43; 7092*/7119* 17/05/43;
7260 17/05/43; 7170* 12/06/43; 7251* 05/07/43; 7277* 29/07/43;
7097 03/08/43; 7060 10/08/43; 7174 16/08/43; 7164 19/08/43;
7274 06/09/43; 7318* 06/09/43; 7289 09/09/43; 7266 04/10/43;
7168/7231 13/10/43; 7091* 21/10/43; 7108* 05/11/43; 7388 09/11/43;
7122* 11/11/43; 7205*/7227* 21/11/43; 7391 26/11/43; 7001 04/12/43;
7085* 11/12/43; 7260* 14/12/43; 7134* 21/12/43; 7419* 05/01/44;
7198 11/01/44; 7262 11/01/44; 7074* 19/01/44; 7107 21/01/44;
7351 27/01/44; 7094 08/02/44; 7278 09/02/44; 7121* 24/02/44;
7452* 13/03/44; 7241* 16/03/44; 7283* 27/03/44; 7160/7217* 31/03/44;
7125* 12/04/44; 7418* 19/04/44; 7126 25/04/44;

Piaggio P.166S Albatross

Sud Est SE 3130 Alouette II

21 22/04/66; 16* 03/10/66; 18 20/07/67; 18 01/08/67; 18 02/08/67;
18 04/08/67;

Sud Est SE3160/SA316B Alouette III

43 07/01/63; 56(1)* 08/01/66; 47 25/02/66; 39 19/04/66; 63 19/09/66;

Sud Aviation SA 321L Super Frelon

301 25/07/67;

Sud Aviation SA 330 Puma

Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX

5622* 03/04/54;

Swearingen Merlin Mk IVA

Transall C-160Z

Vickers Viscount

150 19/03/63;

Westland HAS Mk 1 Wasp

81* 17/06/64; 82 08/08/67; 84 18/03/68; 87* 19/09/68;

Total Separate Accident/Incident Archive Occurrences To Date: 108

Note: Where no entry appears under a specific type, this means that the type qualifies, but that I have not yet processed any occurrence involving this type ie, watch this space!


How would you like to receive your personal copy of my Accident Summaries? Better still, how would you like to receive them in your inbox in original full length version with full supporting period and other image accompaniment with relevant tables/charts/diagrams/transcripts etc where appropriate!? Now it is possible. With Dean's consent, commencing about the start of each month and every month thereafter, I will announce the availability of one previously unpublished Accident Summary to those registered to:

Summaries vary in length from about ¾ page of text to as many as eight excluding images and image captions.
Note that not all occurrences are image accompanied depending on the circumstances of the occurrence and what copy of the Court/Board of Inquiry/Station Investigation I get to process.

Accidents will cover the time period 01/10/42 to 31/12/75 as per the high-end limitations imposed by current legislation in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act and involve all types of attrition, both benign and spectacular, to exclusively the following types: the Harvard/Texan, C-47/Dakota, C-54/Skymaster, C-130 Hercules, Transall C-160Z, Merlin Mk IVA, HS.125 Mercurius, Viscount, Shackleton, Cessna 185, AM-3CM Bosbok, two Do 27, one Auster, one Spitfire, Canberra, Buccaneer, Mirage III, Vampire, Sabre, Impala, Wasp, Alouette II and III, Puma and the Super Frelon. No single type will be represented more than twice over a given 12-month period with exception of the Harvard for which a minimum/maximum of two Harvard occurrences will appear in every 12-month period guaranteed. Other types may be added in due course.

All summaries appearing in the database below are available for purchase by anyone at any time at R35 per summary all inclusive.

Simply let me know exactly what aircraft types you would potentially be interested in from the database and give me your e-mail, and I will contact you as soon as a summary involving that aircraft type becomes available for purchase.

If you are interested, please contact me on: or telephone: 031 261 8748 (H + W) all hours or 072 2749 032 (sms only please) for payment details or if you have any queries regarding this subject.

All purchases will be subject to my terms and conditions and copyright, which include among others, that no summary or part thereof (including images) may be reproduced on any site or publication or other communications systems for any purpose whatsoever and that summaries are for personal (private) use exclusively and may not be distributed to a second party for any reason whatsoever. By making payment, the purchaser will thus consent to having read and fully agreed to these terms and conditions.

Upon request, I may waiver the copyright for a particular purchased accident summary to be reproduced verbatim on a site or in a publication at my sole discretion, provided that the source is acknowledged.

Although this system is prone to abuse, I would strongly advise that individuals would refrain from doing so, since it may well compromise the success of this effort and if I feel that it is not being sustainably successful, I will have no choice but to discontinue this effort and the future of summaries being available to the public will be forever jeopardised. By personally honouring the above terms, you will thus be investing in the future of more summaries being made available, both for your personal information and for that of others.

Note: Due to logistical limitations on my part, payments made in a given month will only see that summary e-mailed during the first week of the following month.

There is plenty of potential SAAF aircraft history and operational procedure waiting to be unlocked and revealed to the glory of SAAF aviation history. Please allow me to make it happen for YOU!

In the interests of flying safety and preserving SAAF history.


Clinton Barnard


Reply with quote  
 Post subject: Next Accident Release
PostPosted: 29 May 2016, 10:34 

Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 13:41
Posts: 89
Hi All

Generally, wire/cable strike occurrences do not usually rate amongst the most interesting and thus it was with a sigh that I contemplated the next wire strike occurrence (the C.185 seems to have been involved in so many with the proportion of wire strike occurrences to accidents being disproportionately high). However, I soon came to realise that this was going to be an exception and for more than one good reason! In fact by the time I had completed my summary, I had little doubt that this was going to a very strong prospect for 'Summary of the Year'.

This accident left me to wonder: what is the maximum number of wires an aircraft (military or civilian) has flown through without causing an on board fatality? This occurrence must surely come close to that ultimate figure since the number of wires amazingly exceeded 30! Of course to know exactly how many wires, you would have to read the summary....

Being able to do the very first write-off of any SAAF aircraft type must surely be a very sought after objective of mine. Not only is this a historically significant attrition event for that specific aircraft type that needs to be recorded as such, but it is made all the more exciting when all the aircraft occupants survive (especially when they should, for all intents and purposes, have died!) to fly another day and tell their story for the benefit of flying safety. The lessons learned are clearly apparent too.

A third big plus is the clarification provided on the admittedly complex relationship that existed between the the SA Army and Air Force during the early 1960s as regards the C.185 specifically. This accident, more than any other done previously, provided invaluable input in this regard. Suffice is to say that anyone interested in compiling a historically accurate account of 42 AARS/42 Squadron would undoubtedly benefit from the details herein.

The images reveal an interesting fairing atop the rear fuselage which I cannot recall having previously seen. One shows the bridge and wires and seven are of the aircraft wreck from different angles.

Next month's offering will be a serious Dakota accident.

With thanks.

Clinton Barnard

Updates (one year back): (* confirmed write-off)

01/06/2016 Cessna 185* 723 crashed on 22/11/63 during an operational low-level navigation training
flight below 50ft AGL (5 pages text, one diagram and 8 period images);
01/05/2016 Shackleton 1722 landed nosewheel unlocked at AFS Langebaanweg on 07/07/1960 during a
routine training flight launched from AFS Ysterplaat (2½ pages text and 5 period images);
01/04/2016 Sabre 357* crashed fatally within the grounds of AFS Waterkloof on 11/05/66 whilst conducting visual
smoke trials in front of a 1 Squadron flight commander and the technical officer (3½ pages text, 3 period
images and 1 diagram);
01/03/2016 Impala 508 suffered a bird strike whilst in the circuit at Langebaanweg on 24/11/69 (½ pages text and 1
period image);
01/02/2016 -
01/01/2016 Dornier 5431* crashed fatally shortly after taking off from Belfast Airfield on 12/03/62 (1¾ pages text, 1
diagram and 7 period images);
01/12/2015 Harvard 7125* flew into the ground during a practise air-to-ground strafing pass on 12/04/44 at the Air
Firing Range at Vaal Dam (3¾ pages text, 1 diagram and 7 period images);
01/11/2015 Alouette III 43 crashed on 07/01/63 at the De Wet Range, near Bloemfontein, whilst taking off on a local
area general flying training exercise including landings away from base (2+ pages text and 6 period
01/10/2015 Vampire 212* crashed fatally whilst performing the briefed steep formation take-off from AFS
Langebaanweg on 03/02/53 in company with three other examples (4.8 pages text,12 period
images, 1 table and 1 diagram);
01/09/2015 South African Police Cessna 320 ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) crashed on landing at AFB Swartkop
09/10/69 under strong crosswind conditions after the port tyre burst on brake application (1.5 pages text
and 5 period images);
01/08/2015 -
01/07/2015 Mirage IIIs 807 and 824 inadvertently broke the sound barrier on 15/11/65 at AFS Waterkloof during a fly
past put on for a special and famous visiting guest (2¾ pages text only);
01/06/2015 Alouette II 18 made a heavy landing on 04/08/67 during a test flight to check the helicopter's power off
autorotation capability, resulting in structural airframe damage, at AFS Ysterplaat (3.5 pages text and 7
period images);

PRESENT ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS ARCHIVE updated monthly (* confirmed write-off)

Aermacchi MB 326 Impala

487 03/01/68; 472 10/09/68; 512 18/08/69; 508 24/11/69;

Aermacchi/Aeritaia AM-3CM Bosbok


5411* 15/06/56;

Avro MR Mk 3 Shackleton

1718 05/10/57; 1716 20/11/57; 1723 26/02/58; 1718 09/11/59; 1722 07/07/60;
1718* 08/08/63;

Blackburn S MK 50 Buccaneer

415 26/07/65; 417* 30/10/65; 415 06/03/69; 415* 16/10/69;

Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk 6

351 04/04/57; 367 30/09/65; 359 04/03/66; 353* 26/04/66; 357* 11/05/66;

Cessna 185

723* 22/11/63; 722* 02/08/65; 717 29/01/66; 744* 25/08/66; 751 14/05/69;
713 26/11/69;

Cessna 320

ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) 09/10/69;

Dassault Mirage III

816 28/05/64; 824 15/11/65; 821* 15/03/69;

De Havilland Vampire

212* 03/02/53; 236* 22/09/54; 233* 08/10/54; 246* 24/11/55; 268 20/10/65;
268 27/01/66;

Dornier Do 27A

5430 03/11/58; 5431* 12/03/62;

Douglas C-47/Dakota

6807 28/08/43; 6853 01/04/45; 6847* 08/07/45; 6801 10/09/45; 6822 23/01/46;
6832 26/01/66; watch this space!

Douglas C-54/DC-4 Skymaster

English Electric Canberra

Hawker Siddeley HS.125-400B Mercurius

Lockheed C-130 Hercules

North American Texan/Harvard

7141 19/01/43; 7200 19/02/43; 7099/Hind 123 12/03/43; 7011* 13/04/43;
7264 23/04/43; 7228 26/04/43; 7281* 04/05/43; 7092*/7119* 17/05/43;
7260 17/05/43; 7170* 12/06/43; 7251* 05/07/43; 7277* 29/07/43;
7097 03/08/43; 7060 10/08/43; 7174 16/08/43; 7164 19/08/43;
7274 06/09/43; 7318* 06/09/43; 7289 09/09/43; 7266 04/10/43;
7168/7231 13/10/43; 7091* 21/10/43; 7108* 05/11/43; 7388 09/11/43;
7122* 11/11/43; 7205*/7227* 21/11/43; 7391 26/11/43; 7001 04/12/43;
7085* 11/12/43; 7260* 14/12/43; 7134* 21/12/43; 7419* 05/01/44;
7198 11/01/44; 7262 11/01/44; 7074* 19/01/44; 7107 21/01/44;
7351 27/01/44; 7094 08/02/44; 7278 09/02/44; 7121* 24/02/44;
7452* 13/03/44; 7241* 16/03/44; 7283* 27/03/44; 7160/7217* 31/03/44;
7125* 12/04/44; 7418* 19/04/44; 7126 25/04/44;

Piaggio P.166S Albatross

Sud Est SE 3130 Alouette II

21 22/04/66; 16* 03/10/66; 18 20/07/67; 18 01/08/67; 18 02/08/67;
18 04/08/67;

Sud Est SE3160/SA316B Alouette III

43 07/01/63; 56(1)* 08/01/66; 47 25/02/66; 39 19/04/66; 63 19/09/66;

Sud Aviation SA 321L Super Frelon

301 25/07/67;

Sud Aviation SA 330 Puma

Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX

5622* 03/04/54;

Swearingen Merlin Mk IVA

Transall C-160Z

Vickers Viscount

150 19/03/63;

Westland HAS Mk 1 Wasp

81* 17/06/64; 82 08/08/67; 84 18/03/68; 87* 19/09/68;

Total Separate Accident/Incident Archive Occurrences To Date: 109

Note: Where no entry appears under a specific type, this means that the type qualifies, but that I have not yet processed any occurrence involving this type ie, watch this space!


How would you like to receive your personal copy of my Accident Summaries? Better still, how would you like to receive them in your inbox in original full length version with full supporting period and other image accompaniment with relevant tables/charts/diagrams/transcripts etc where appropriate!? Now it is possible. With Dean's consent, commencing about the start of each month and every month thereafter, I will announce the availability of one previously unpublished Accident Summary to those registered to:

Summaries vary in length from about ¾ page of text to as many as eight excluding images and image captions.
Note that not all occurrences are image accompanied depending on the circumstances of the occurrence and what copy of the Court/Board of Inquiry/Station Investigation I get to process.

Accidents will cover the time period 01/10/42 to 31/12/75 as per the high-end limitations imposed by current legislation in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act and involve all types of attrition, both benign and spectacular, to exclusively the following types: the Harvard/Texan, C-47/Dakota, C-54/Skymaster, C-130 Hercules, Transall C-160Z, Merlin Mk IVA, HS.125 Mercurius, Viscount, Shackleton, Cessna 185, AM-3CM Bosbok, two Do 27, one Auster, one Spitfire, Canberra, Buccaneer, Mirage III, Vampire, Sabre, Impala, Wasp, Alouette II and III, Puma and the Super Frelon. No single type will be represented more than twice over a given 12-month period with exception of the Harvard for which a minimum/maximum of two Harvard occurrences will appear in every 12-month period guaranteed. Other types may be added in due course.

All summaries appearing in the database below are available for purchase by anyone at any time at R35 per summary all inclusive.

Simply let me know exactly what aircraft types you would potentially be interested in from the database and give me your e-mail, and I will contact you as soon as a summary involving that aircraft type becomes available for purchase.

If you are interested, please contact me on: or telephone: 031 261 8748 (H + W) all hours or 072 2749 032 (sms only please) for payment details or if you have any queries regarding this subject.

All purchases will be subject to my terms and conditions and copyright, which include among others, that no summary or part thereof (including images) may be reproduced on any site or publication or other communications systems for any purpose whatsoever and that summaries are for personal (private) use exclusively and may not be distributed to a second party for any reason whatsoever. By making payment, the purchaser will thus consent to having read and fully agreed to these terms and conditions.

Upon request, I may waiver the copyright for a particular purchased accident summary to be reproduced verbatim on a site or in a publication at my sole discretion, provided that the source is acknowledged.

Although this system is prone to abuse, I would strongly advise that individuals would refrain from doing so, since it may well compromise the success of this effort and if I feel that it is not being sustainably successful, I will have no choice but to discontinue this effort and the future of summaries being available to the public will be forever jeopardised. By personally honouring the above terms, you will thus be investing in the future of more summaries being made available, both for your personal information and for that of others.

Note: Due to logistical limitations on my part, payments made in a given month will only see that summary e-mailed during the first week of the following month.

There is plenty of potential SAAF aircraft history and operational procedure waiting to be unlocked and revealed to the glory of SAAF aviation history. Please allow me to make it happen for YOU!

In the interests of flying safety and preserving SAAF history.


Clinton Barnard


Reply with quote  
 Post subject: Latest Accident Release
PostPosted: 07 Aug 2016, 10:13 

Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 13:41
Posts: 89
Hi All

With only one week to go, I had the unfortunate scenario of having to decide whether or not my forthcoming Dakota accident would be ready in time (I don't do heart attacks thank you!). Sadly, I did not believe it would. So, rather than leave this month fallow, I elected to move the next due accident (ready since about 2010!) forward one month in its place. This will give me the time to undoubtedly complete the Dakota prang by the start of September. Once more, I must apologise for any inconvenience caused, but with 45 pages plus and counting of evidence and supporting info to process, this delay is inevitable unfortunately. It does, however, bode very well for an absolutely stunning Dak prang next month as the depth of info is nothing short of phenomenal and, as I like to say, the more I have to play with the better I play!

This month's offering is therefore the once ubiquitous Harvard. This accident has been in the 'pool' awaiting its moment of glory for yonks and at last its number is up! Literally! In the interest of objectivity, I decide on the next Harvard release on the basis of the lowest aircraft serial number in the 'pool'.
This accident is rather middle-of-the-road with little to be gleaned from a research point of view. One or two images at minimum would have been nice....

Next month's offering should be that Dakota!

During my recent research trip, I came across a few pages with the UK Pound values of every SAAF aircraft's value when new as at 1943 broken down into engine and airframe values. These will appear in my future SAAF RESEARCH releases. And you wouldn't believe where I found them....nestling inside one of the prangs I was accessing. You just never know what you are going to find....

With thanks.

Clinton Barnard
Updates (one year back): (* confirmed write-off)

01/08/2016 Harvard 7185 forced landed on 31/03/44 near Rietvlei Dam after the trainee pilot failed to
consider fuel quantity and consumption and ran out of fuel during a practise cross-country
flight (1 and 2/3rds pages text only); 01/07/2016 - 01/06/2016 Cessna 185 723* crashed on 22/11/63 during an operational low-level navigation training flight below
50ft AGL (5 pages text, one diagram and 8 period images); 01/05/2016 Shackleton 1722 landed nosewheel unlocked at AFS Langebaanweg on 07/07/1960 during a
routine training flight launched from AFS Ysterplaat (2½ pages text and 5 period images); 01/04/2016 Sabre 357* crashed fatally within the grounds of AFS Waterkloof on 11/05/66 whilst conducting visual
smoke trials in front of a 1 Squadron flight commander and the technical officer (3½ pages text, 3
period images and 1 diagram); 01/03/2016 Impala 508 suffered a bird strike whilst in the circuit at Langebaanweg on 24/11/69 (½ pages text and
1 period image); 01/02/2016 -
01/01/2016 Dornier 5431* crashed fatally shortly after taking off from Belfast Airfield on 12/03/62 (1¾ pages text, 1
diagram and 7 period images); 01/12/2015 Harvard 7125* flew into the ground during a practise air-to-ground strafing pass on 12/04/44 at the Air
Firing Range at Vaal Dam (3¾ pages text, 1 diagram and 7 period images); 01/11/2015 Alouette III 43 crashed on 07/01/63 at the De Wet Range, near Bloemfontein, whilst taking off on a
local area general flying training exercise including landings away from base (2+ pages text and 6
period images); 01/10/2015 Vampire 212* crashed fatally whilst performing the briefed steep formation take-off from AFS
Langebaanweg on 03/02/53 in company with three other examples (4.8 pages text,12 period images, 1
table and 1 diagram); 01/09/2015 South African Police Cessna 320 ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) crashed on landing at AFB
Swartkop on 09/10/69 under strong crosswind conditions after the port tyre burst on brake application
1.5 pages text and 5 period images);

PRESENT ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS ARCHIVE updated monthly (* confirmed write-off)

Aermacchi MB 326 Impala

487 03/01/68; 472 10/09/68; 512 18/08/69; 508 24/11/69;

Aermacchi/Aeritaia AM-3CM Bosbok

5411* 15/06/56;

Avro MR Mk 3 Shackleton

1718 05/10/57; 1716 20/11/57; 1723 26/02/58; 1718 09/11/59; 1722 07/07/60; 1718* 08/08/63;

Blackburn S MK 50 Buccaneer

415 26/07/65; 417* 30/10/65; 415 06/03/69; 415* 16/10/69;

Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk 6

351 04/04/57; 367 30/09/65; 359 04/03/66; 353* 26/04/66; 357* 11/05/66;

Cessna 185

723* 22/11/63; 722* 02/08/65; 717 29/01/66; 744* 25/08/66; 751 14/05/69; 713 26/11/69;

Cessna 320

ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) 09/10/69;

Dassault Mirage III

816 28/05/64; 824 15/11/65; 821* 15/03/69;

De Havilland Vampire

212* 03/02/53; 236* 22/09/54; 233* 08/10/54; 246* 24/11/55; 268 20/10/65; 268 27/01/66;

Dornier Do 27A

5430 03/11/58; 5431* 12/03/62;

Douglas C-47/Dakota

6807 28/08/43; 6853 01/04/45; 6847* 08/07/45; 6801 10/09/45; 6822 23/01/46; 6832 26/01/66;
watch this space!

Douglas C-54/DC-4 Skymaster

English Electric Canberra

Hawker Siddeley HS.125-400B Mercurius

Lockheed C-130 Hercules

North American Texan/Harvard

7141 19/01/43; 7200 19/02/43; 7099/Hind 123 12/03/43; 7011* 13/03/43; 7264 23/04/43;
7228 26/04/43; 7281* 04/05/43; 7092*/7119* 17/05/43; 7260 17/05/43; 7170* 12/06/43; 7251* 05/07/43; 7277* 29/07/43; 7097 03/08/43; 7060 10/08/43; 7174 16/08/43; 7164 19/08/43; 7274 06/09/43; 7318* 06/09/43; 7289 09/09/43; 7266 04/10/43; 7168/7231 13/10/43; 7091* 21/10/43; 7108* 05/11/43; 7388 09/11/43; 7122* 11/11/43; 7205*/7227* 21/11/43; 7391 26/11/43; 7001 04/12/43; 7085* 11/12/43; 7260* 14/12/43; 7134* 21/12/43; 7419* 05/01/44; 7198 11/01/44; 7262 11/01/44; 7074* 19/01/44; 7107 21/01/44; 7351 27/01/44; 7094 08/02/44; 7278 09/02/44; 7121* 24/02/44; 7452* 13/03/44; 7241* 16/03/44; 7283* 27/03/44; 7160/7217* 31/03/44; 7185 31/03/44; 7125* 12/04/44; 7418* 19/04/44; 7126 25/04/44;

Piaggio P.166S Albatross

Sud Est SE 3130 Alouette II

21 22/04/66; 16* 03/10/66; 18 20/07/67; 18 01/08/67; 18 02/08/67; 18 04/08/67;

Sud Est SE3160/SA316B Alouette III

43 07/01/63; 56(1)* 08/01/66; 47 25/02/66; 39 19/04/66; 63 19/09/66;

Sud Aviation SA 321L Super Frelon

301 25/07/67;

Sud Aviation SA 330 Puma

Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX

5622* 03/04/54;

Swearingen Merlin Mk IVA

Transall C-160Z

Vickers Viscount

150 19/03/63;

Westland HAS Mk 1 Wasp

81* 17/06/64; 82 08/08/67; 84 18/03/68; 87* 19/09/68;

Total Separate Accident/Incident Archive Occurrences To Date: 110

Where no entry appears under a specific type, this means that the type qualifies, but that I have not yet processed any occurrence involving this type ie, watch this space!


How would you like to receive your personal copy of my Accident Summaries? Better still, how would you like to receive them in your inbox in original full length version with full supporting period and other image accompaniment with relevant tables/charts/diagrams/transcripts etc where appropriate!? Now it is possible. With Dean's consent, commencing about the start of each month and every month thereafter, I will announce the availability of one previously unpublished Accident Summary to those registered to:

Summaries vary in length from about ¾ page of text to as many as eight excluding images and image captions.
Note that not all occurrences are image accompanied depending on the circumstances of the occurrence and what copy of the Court/Board of Inquiry/Station Investigation I get to process.

Accidents will cover the time period 01/10/42 to 31/12/75 as per the high-end limitations imposed by current legislation in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act and involve all types of attrition, both benign and spectacular, to exclusively the following types: the Harvard/Texan, C-47/Dakota, C-54/Skymaster, C-130 Hercules, Transall C-160Z, Merlin Mk IVA, HS.125 Mercurius, Viscount, Shackleton, Cessna 185, AM-3CM Bosbok, two Do 27, one Auster, one Spitfire, Canberra, Buccaneer, Mirage III, Vampire, Sabre, Impala, Wasp, Alouette II and III, Puma and the Super Frelon. No single type will be represented more than twice over a given 12-month period with exception of the Harvard for which a minimum/maximum of two Harvard occurrences will appear in every 12-month period guaranteed. Other types may be added in due course.

All summaries appearing in the database below are available for purchase by anyone at any time at R35 per summary all inclusive.

Simply let me know exactly what aircraft types you would potentially be interested in from the database and give me your e-mail, and I will contact you as soon as a summary involving that aircraft type becomes available for purchase.

If you are interested, please contact me on: or telephone: 031 261 8748 (H + W) all hours or 072 2749 032 (sms only please) for payment details or if you have any queries regarding this subject.

All purchases will be subject to my terms and conditions and copyright, which include among others, that no summary or part thereof (including images) may be reproduced on any site or publication or other communications systems for any purpose whatsoever and that summaries are for personal (private) use exclusively and may not be distributed to a second party for any reason whatsoever. By making payment, the purchaser will thus consent to having read and fully agreed to these terms and conditions.

Upon request, I may waiver the copyright for a particular purchased accident summary to be reproduced verbatim on a site or in a publication at my sole discretion, provided that the source is acknowledged.

Although this system is prone to abuse, I would strongly advise that individuals would refrain from doing so, since it may well compromise the success of this effort and if I feel that it is not being sustainably successful, I will have no choice but to discontinue this effort and the future of summaries being available to the public will be forever jeopardised. By personally honouring the above terms, you will thus be investing in the future of more summaries being made available, both for your personal information and for that of others.

Note: Due to logistical limitations on my part, payments made in a given month will only see that summary e-mailed during the first week of the following month.

There is plenty of potential SAAF aircraft history and operational procedure waiting to be unlocked and revealed to the glory of SAAF aviation history. Please allow me to make it happen for YOU!

In the interests of flying safety and preserving SAAF history.


Clinton Barnard


Reply with quote  
PostPosted: 04 Sep 2016, 10:48 

Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 13:41
Posts: 89
Hi All

I rated the recent Cessna 185 serial 723 accident as “as good as it gets” and now I have to bite my lip! If the Cessna Summary's content was awesome then this Dak's content can only be awesomer (word only appears in Barnard's Concise Dictionary of Aviation Terms).

With over 53 A4 pages of evidence to summarise, this was always going to be a challenging assignment. What made it even more so were two addition challenges: the investigations within investigations and the fact that info on one particular subject was scattered all over the place, forcing me to collect all related info together, piece it together chronologically and then endeavour to summarise it in a clearly discernible way, but taking care to not accidentally leave out any juicy detail. Knowing where to draw the line is not always easy as often info, which in itself is not always too sexy, needs to be included for the sake of completeness. Fortunately I am not writing for a magazine....

I have always said that the longer Accident Summaries are always the more interesting and revealing and in this case as well and I would argue even more so! Even the most ardent Dak aircraft researcher will find more than a few gems lurking in the paragraphs.

The source material went into so much detail in some aspects that I did not think it all relevant to my summary. However, this deleted info has not been lost, but will instead be included in future editions of my SAAF RESEARCH newsletter. No one accident I have yet done has ever produced as much additional material for this newsletter! For example, no official source accident report I have ever processed has ever mentioned the number of flying hours flown at the contractor's works prior to delivery – except this one!

Of all the accident summaries I have yet compiled, this one is probably the one of which I am most proud, no doubt since it was the most challenging and thus satisfying to compile.

Next month's accident should be a little known Buccaneer occurrence, which I had no previous record of.

With thanks.

Clinton Barnard

Updates (one year back): (* confirmed write-off)

01/09/2016 Dakota 6809* forced landed fatally at Nyama Siding, Northern Rhodesia, on September 28, 1945,
after engine failure with complications during a Shuttle Service flight (12 pages text, 1 map and
14 period images);
01/08/2016 Harvard 7185 forced landed on 31/03/44 near Rietvlei Dam after the trainee pilot failed to consider fuel
quantity and consumption and ran out of fuel during a practise cross-country flight (1 and 2/3rds pages
text only);
01/07/2016 -
01/06/2016 Cessna 185 723* crashed on 22/11/63 during an operational low-level navigation training flight below
50ft AGL (5 pages text, one diagram and 8 period images);
01/05/2016 Shackleton 1722 landed nosewheel unlocked at AFS Langebaanweg on 07/07/1960 during a
routine training flight launched from AFS Ysterplaat (2½ pages text and 5 period images); 01/04/2016 Sabre 357* crashed fatally within the grounds of AFS Waterkloof on 11/05/66 whilst conducting visual
smoke trials in front of a 1 Squadron flight commander and the technical officer (3½ pages text, 3
period images and 1 diagram);
01/03/2016 Impala 508 suffered a bird strike whilst in the circuit at Langebaanweg on 24/11/69 (½ pages text and
1 period image);
01/02/2016 -
01/01/2016 Dornier 5431* crashed fatally shortly after taking off from Belfast Airfield on 12/03/62 (1¾ pages text, 1
diagram and 7 period images); 01/12/2015 Harvard 7125* flew into the ground during a practise air-to-ground strafing pass on 12/04/44 at the Air
Firing Range at Vaal Dam (3¾ pages text, 1 diagram and 7 period images);
01/11/2015 Alouette III 43 crashed on 07/01/63 at the De Wet Range, near Bloemfontein, whilst taking off on a
local area general flying training exercise including landings away from base (2+ pages text and 6
period images); 01/10/2015 Vampire 212* crashed fatally whilst performing the briefed steep formation take-off from AFS
Langebaanweg on 03/02/53 in company with three other examples (4.8 pages text,12 period images, 1
table and 1 diagram);

PRESENT ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS ARCHIVE updated monthly (* confirmed write-off)

Aermacchi MB 326 Impala

487 03/01/68; 472 10/09/68; 512 18/08/69; 508 24/11/69;

Aermacchi/Aeritaia AM-3CM Bosbok

5411* 15/06/56;

Avro MR Mk 3 Shackleton

1718 05/10/57; 1716 20/11/57; 1723 26/02/58; 1718 09/11/59; 1722 07/07/60; 1718* 08/08/63;

Blackburn S MK 50 Buccaneer

415 26/07/65; 417* 30/10/65; 415 06/03/69; 415* 16/10/69;
watch this space!

Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk 6

351 04/04/57; 367 30/09/65; 359 04/03/66; 353* 26/04/66; 357* 11/05/66;

Cessna 185
723* 22/11/63; 722* 02/08/65; 717 29/01/66; 744* 25/08/66; 751 14/05/69;
713 26/11/69;

Cessna 320

ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) 09/10/69;

Dassault Mirage III

816 28/05/64; 824 15/11/65; 821* 15/03/69;

De Havilland Vampire

212* 03/02/53; 236* 22/09/54; 233* 08/10/54; 246* 24/11/55; 268 20/10/65; 268 27/01/66;

Dornier Do 27A

5430 03/11/58; 5431* 12/03/62;

Douglas C-47/Dakota

6807 28/08/43; 6853 01/04/45; 6847* 08/07/45; 6801 10/09/45; 6809* 28/09/45; 6822 23/01/46;
6832 26/01/66;

Douglas C-54/DC-4 Skymaster

English Electric Canberra

Hawker Siddeley HS.125-400B Mercurius

Lockheed C-130 Hercules

North American Texan/Harvard

7141 19/01/43; 7200 19/02/43; 7099/Hind 123 12/03/43; 7011* 13/04/43;
7264 23/04/43; 7228 26/04/43; 7281* 04/05/43; 7092*/7119* 17/05/43;
7260 17/05/43; 7170* 12/06/43; 7251* 05/07/43; 7277* 29/07/43;
7097 03/08/43; 7060 10/08/43; 7174 16/08/43; 7164 19/08/43;
7274 06/09/43; 7318* 06/09/43; 7289 09/09/43; 7266 04/10/43;
7168/7231 13/10/43; 7091* 21/10/43; 7108* 05/11/43; 7388 09/11/43;
7122* 11/11/43; 7205*/7227* 21/11/43; 7391 26/11/43; 7001 04/12/43;
7085* 11/12/43; 7260* 14/12/43; 7134* 21/12/43; 7419* 05/01/44; 7198 11/01/44; 7262 11/01/44; 7074* 19/01/44; 7107 21/01/44; 7351 27/01/44; 7094 08/02/44; 7278 09/02/44; 7121* 24/02/44;
7452* 13/03/44; 7241* 16/03/44; 7283* 27/03/44; 7160/7217* 31/03/44;
7185 31/03/44; 7125* 12/04/44; 7418* 19/04/44; 7126 25/04/44;

Piaggio P.166S Albatross

Sud Est SE 3130 Alouette II

21 22/04/66; 16* 03/10/66; 18 20/07/67; 18 01/08/67; 18 02/08/67; 18 04/08/67;

Sud Est SE3160/SA316B Alouette III

43 07/01/63; 56(1)* 08/01/66; 47 25/02/66; 39 19/04/66; 63 19/09/66;

Sud Aviation SA 321L Super Frelon

301 25/07/67;

Sud Aviation SA 330 Puma

Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX

5622* 03/04/54;

Swearingen Merlin Mk IVA

Transall C-160Z

Vickers Viscount

150 19/03/63;

Westland HAS Mk 1 Wasp

81* 17/06/64; 82 08/08/67; 84 18/03/68; 87* 19/09/68;

Total Separate Accident/Incident Archive Occurrences To Date: 111

Where no entry appears under a specific type, this means that the type qualifies, but that I have not yet processed any occurrence involving this type ie, watch this space!


How would you like to receive your personal copy of my Accident Summaries? Better still, how would you like to receive them in your inbox in original full length version with full supporting period and other image accompaniment with relevant tables/charts/diagrams/transcripts etc where appropriate!? Now it is possible. With Dean's consent, commencing about the start of each month and every month thereafter, I will announce the availability of one previously unpublished Accident Summary to those registered to:

Summaries vary in length from about ¾ page of text to as many as eight excluding images and image captions.
Note that not all occurrences are image accompanied depending on the circumstances of the occurrence and what copy of the Court/Board of Inquiry/Station Investigation I get to process.

Accidents will cover the time period 01/10/42 to 31/12/75 as per the high-end limitations imposed by current legislation in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act and involve all types of attrition, both benign and spectacular, to exclusively the following types: the Harvard/Texan, C-47/Dakota, C-54/Skymaster, C-130 Hercules, Transall C-160Z, Merlin Mk IVA, HS.125 Mercurius, Viscount, Shackleton, Cessna 185, AM-3CM Bosbok, two Do 27, one Auster, one Spitfire, Canberra, Buccaneer, Mirage III, Vampire, Sabre, Impala, Wasp, Alouette II and III, Puma and the Super Frelon. No single type will be represented more than twice over a given 12-month period with exception of the Harvard for which a minimum/maximum of two Harvard occurrences will appear in every 12-month period guaranteed. Other types may be added in due course.

All summaries appearing in the database below are available for purchase by anyone at any time at R35 per summary all inclusive.

Simply let me know exactly what aircraft types you would potentially be interested in from the database and give me your e-mail, and I will contact you as soon as a summary involving that aircraft type becomes available for purchase.

If you are interested, please contact me on: or telephone: 031 261 8748 (H + W) all hours or 072 2749 032 (sms only please) for payment details or if you have any queries regarding this subject.

All purchases will be subject to my terms and conditions and copyright, which include among others, that no summary or part thereof (including images) may be reproduced on any site or publication or other communications systems for any purpose whatsoever and that summaries are for personal (private) use exclusively and may not be distributed to a second party for any reason whatsoever. By making payment, the purchaser will thus consent to having read and fully agreed to these terms and conditions.

Upon request, I may waiver the copyright for a particular purchased accident summary to be reproduced verbatim on a site or in a publication at my sole discretion, provided that the source is acknowledged.

Although this system is prone to abuse, I would strongly advise that individuals would refrain from doing so, since it may well compromise the success of this effort and if I feel that it is not being sustainably successful, I will have no choice but to discontinue this effort and the future of summaries being available to the public will be forever jeopardised. By personally honouring the above terms, you will thus be investing in the future of more summaries being made available, both for your personal information and for that of others.

Note: Due to logistical limitations on my part, payments made in a given month will only see that summary e-mailed during the first week of the following month.

There is plenty of potential SAAF aircraft history and operational procedure waiting to be unlocked and revealed to the glory of SAAF aviation history. Please allow me to make it happen for YOU!

In the interests of flying safety and preserving SAAF history.


Clinton Barnard


Reply with quote  
PostPosted: 02 Oct 2016, 10:18 

Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 13:41
Posts: 89
Hi All

I have been tried to reformat my presentation to try to overcome the formating issues plaguing this presentation. I had used the original format in the interests of minimising space and for maximum clarity. The present format is a compromise. Although more space intensive, it lists all the dates of the occurrences done for one particular serial, together, thereby at least aiding clarity in this respect. I trust The Boss has no objections?

Another month, another accident and another opportunity for enlightenment for both compiler and reader.

The day that I finally put Dakota 6809's accident to bed, I dared to take a peak at what the next aircraft type for the next scheduled accident was going to be, and after seeing that it was the Buccaneer, any thought of taking a month long sabbatical to 'recover' from the 'ravages' of compiling the previous 'tome' of a Dak accident, was immediately discarded!

From the accident images, I could see that this was going to be something different compared to the Buccaneer accidents I have done previously and different is always interesting! During that day, my thoughts and anticipation of what was to come only heightened my excitement and I eagerly relished my first opportunity to start taking down all the evidence in support of the accident. That very evening I received notification that one regular Buccaneer client, who I had already that day e-mailed about a forthcoming Buc accident, had already paid for his copy of the accident – the first time anyone has ever done so before I had even started compiling it! What was even more remarkable was that, at the time of purchase, he knew neither the serial nor date of the occurrence nor whether benign or spectacular. Now that is a truly dedicated Buc lover for you!

Of note, is that this is also the youngest accident of any type that I have covered to date. With a 'restricted' security classification, it is also deemed declassified for mere mortal consumption!

Next month's offering is a surprise for it will be an aircraft type I have not previously covered. Could it be your favourite?

With thanks.

Clinton Barnard

Updates (one year back): (* confirmed write-off)

01/10/2016: Buccaneer 412 landed at AFB Waterkloof on 10/02/70 with its arresting hook lowered during a
heavy downpour after being called back from a Sortie 2 flight (3 pages and 7 period images);
01/09/2016: Dakota 6809* forced landed fatally at Nyama Siding, Northern Rhodesia, on September 28, 1945,
after engine failure with complications during a Shuttle Service flight (12 pages text, 1 map and 14 period images); 01/08/2016: Harvard 7185 forced landed on 31/03/44 near Rietvlei Dam after the trainee pilot failed to consider fuel
quantity and consumption and ran out of fuel during a practise cross-country flight (1 and 2/3rds pages text only);
01/07/2016: -
01/06/2016: Cessna 185 723* crashed on 22/11/63 during an operational low-level navigation training flight below
50ft AGL (5 pages text, one diagram and 8 period images); 01/05/2016: Shackleton 1722 landed nosewheel unlocked at AFS Langebaanweg on 07/07/1960 during a routine training flight launched from AFS Ysterplaat (2½ pages text and 5 period images); 01/04/2016: Sabre 357* crashed fatally within the grounds of AFS Waterkloof on 11/05/66 whilst conducting visual
smoke trials in front of a 1 Squadron flight commander and the technical officer (3½ pages text, 3 period images and 1 diagram);
01/03/2016: Impala 508 suffered a bird strike whilst in the circuit at Langebaanweg on 24/11/69 (½ pages text and
1 period image);
01/02/2016: -
01/01/2016: Dornier 5431* crashed fatally shortly after taking off from Belfast Airfield on 12/03/62 (1¾ pages text, 1
diagram and 7 period images);
01/12/2015: Harvard 7125* flew into the ground during a practise air-to-ground strafing pass on 12/04/44 at the Air
Firing Range at Vaal Dam (3¾ pages text, 1 diagram and 7 period images);
01/11/2015: Alouette III 43 crashed on 07/01/63 at the De Wet Range, near Bloemfontein, whilst taking off on a
local area general flying training exercise including landings away from base (2+ pages text and 6 period images);

PRESENT ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS ARCHIVE updated monthly (* confirmed write-off)

Aermacchi MB 326 Impala

472 10/09/68;
487 03/01/68;
508 24/11/69;
512 18/08/69;

Aermacchi/Aeritalia AM-3CM Bosbok


5411 15/06/56*;

Avro MR Mk 3 Shackleton

1716 20/11/57;
1718 05/10/57; 09/11/59; 08/08/63*;
1722 07/07/60;
1723 26/02/58;

Blackburn S MK 50 Buccaneer

415 26/07/65; 06/03/69; 16/10/69*;
412 10/02/70;
417 30/10/65*;

Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk 6

351 04/04/57;
353 26/04/66*;
357 11/05/66*;
359 04/03/66;
367 30/09/65;

Cessna 185

713 26/11/69;
717 29/01/66;
722 02/08/65*;
723 22/11/63*;
744 25/08/66*;
751 14/05/69;

Cessna 320

ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) 09/10/69;

Dassault Mirage III

816 28/05/64;
821 15/03/69*;
824 15/11/65;

De Havilland Vampire

212 03/02/53*;
233 08/10/54*;
236 22/09/54*;
246 24/11/55*;
268 20/10/65; 27/01/66;

Dornier Do 27A

5430 03/11/58;
5431 12/03/62*;

Douglas C-47/Dakota

6801 10/09/45;
6807 28/08/43;
6809 28/09/45*;
6822 23/01/46;
6832 26/01/66;
6847 08/07/45*;
6853 01/04/45;

Douglas C-54/DC-4 Skymaster

English Electric Canberra

Hawker Siddeley HS.125-400B Mercurius

Lockheed C-130 Hercules

North American Texan/Harvard

7001 04/12/43;
7011 13/04/43*;
7060 10/08/43;
7074 19/01/44*;
7085 11/12/43*;
7091 21/10/43*;
7092 17/05/43* (see 7119);
7094 08/02/44;
7097 03/08/43;
7099/Hind 23 12/03/43;
7107 21/01/44;
7108 05/11/43*;
7119 17/05/43* (see 7092);
7121 24/02/44*;
7122 11/11/43*;
7125 12/04/44*;
7126 25/04/44;
7134 21/12/43*;
7141 19/01/43;
7160 31/03/44 (see 7217);
7164 19/08/43;
7168 13/10/43 (see 7231);
7170 12/06/43*;
7174 16/08/43;
7185 31/03/44;
7198 11/01/44;
7200 19/02/43;
7205 21/11/43* (see 7227);
7217 31/03/44* (see 7160);
7227 21/11/43* (see 7205);
7228 26/04/43;
7231 13/10/43 (see 7168);
7241 16/03/44*;
7251 05/07/43*;
7260 17/05/43; 14/12/43*;
7262 11/01/44;
7264 23/04/43;
7266 04/10/43;
7274 06/09/43;
7277 29/07/43*;
7278 09/02/44;
7281 04/05/43*;
7283 27/03/44*;
7289 09/09/43;
7318 06/09/43*;
7351 27/01/44;
7388 09/11/43;
7391 26/11/43;
7418 19/04/44*;
7419 05/01/44*;
7452 13/03/44*;

Piaggio P.166S Albatross

Sud Est SE 3130 Alouette II

16 03/10/66*;
18 20/07/67; 01/08/67; 02/08/67; 04/08/67;
21 22/04/66;

Sud Est SE3160/SA316B Alouette III

39 19/04/66;
43 07/01/63;
47 25/02/66;
56 08/01/66*;
63 19/09/66;

Sud Aviation SA 321L Super Frelon

301 25/07/67;

Sud Aviation SA 330 Puma

Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX

5622* 03/04/54;

Swearingen Merlin Mk IVA

Transall C-160Z

Vickers Viscount

150 19/03/63;

Westland HAS Mk 1 Wasp

81 17/06/64*;
82 08/08/67;
84 18/03/68;
87 19/09/68*;

Total Separate Accident/Incident Archive Occurrences Released To Date: 112

Where no entry appears under a specific type, this means that the type qualifies, but that I have not yet processed any occurrence involving this type ie, watch this space!


How would you like to receive your personal copy of my Accident Summaries? Better still, how would you like to receive them in your inbox in original full length version with full supporting period and other image accompaniment with relevant tables/charts/diagrams/transcripts etc where appropriate!? Now it is possible. With Dean's consent, commencing about the start of each month and every month thereafter, I will announce the availability of one previously unpublished Accident Summary to those registered to:

Summaries vary in length from about ¾ page of text to as many as 12 excluding images and image captions.
Note that not all occurrences are image accompanied depending on the circumstances of the occurrence and what copy of the Court/Board of Inquiry/Station Investigation I get to process.

Accidents will cover the time period 01/10/42 to 31/12/75 as per the high-end limitations imposed by current legislation in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act and involve all types of attrition, both benign and spectacular, to exclusively the following types: the Harvard/Texan, C-47/Dakota, C-54/Skymaster, C-130 Hercules, Transall C-160Z, Merlin Mk IVA, HS.125 Mercurius, Viscount, Shackleton, Cessna 185, AM-3CM Bosbok, two Do 27, one Auster, one Spitfire, Canberra, Buccaneer, Mirage III, Vampire, Sabre, Impala, Wasp, Alouette II and III, Puma and the Super Frelon. No single type will be represented more than twice over a given 12-month period with exception of the Harvard for which a minimum/maximum of two Harvard occurrences will appear in every 12-month period guaranteed. Other types may be added in due course when legislation relaxes.

All summaries appearing in the database below are available for purchase by anyone at any time at R35 per summary all inclusive.

Simply let me know exactly what aircraft types you would potentially be interested in from the database and give me your e-mail, and I will contact you as soon as a summary involving that aircraft type becomes available for purchase.

If you are interested, please contact me on: or telephone: +27 (0)31 261 8748 (H + W) all hours or 072 2749 032 (sms only please) for payment details or if you have any queries regarding this subject.

All purchases will be subject to my terms and conditions and copyright, which include among others, that no summary or part thereof (including images) may be reproduced on any site or publication or other communications systems for any purpose whatsoever and that summaries are for personal (private) use exclusively and may not be distributed to a second party for any reason whatsoever. By making payment, the purchaser will thus consent to having read and fully agreed to these terms and conditions.

Upon request, I may waiver the copyright for a particular purchased accident summary to be reproduced verbatim on a site or in a publication at my sole discretion, provided that the source is acknowledged.

Although this system is prone to abuse, I would strongly advise that individuals would refrain from doing so, since it may well compromise the success of this effort and if I feel that it is not being sustainably successful, I will have no choice but to discontinue this effort and the future of summaries being available to the public will be forever jeopardised. By personally honouring the above terms, you will thus be investing in the future of more summaries being made available, both for your personal information and for that of others.

Note: Due to logistical limitations on my part, payments made in a given month will only see that summary e-mailed during the first week of the following month.

There is plenty of potential SAAF aircraft history and operational procedure waiting to be unlocked and revealed to the glory of SAAF aviation history. Please allow me to make it happen for YOU!

In the interests of flying safety and preserving SAAF history.


Clinton Barnard


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 Post subject: Latest Accident Release
PostPosted: 28 Oct 2016, 09:49 

Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 13:41
Posts: 89
Hi All

Well, I am sure all will agree that the formatting issues which previously plagued these pages seems to have been resolved with some success and resulted in even greater clarity.

I don't enjoy large women, but I DO enjoy large aircraft!

If you are similarly into heavy metal then this month's offering is for you

I originally planned to introduce this accident as a 'new' type during last year, but during compilation I found out that some of the standard information that usually constitutes a Board of Inquiry report appeared to be missing. Obviously, I had to check that I had not accidentally missed something out and so I placed this summary on indefinite hold until I was able to recheck the source material during this June's research trip. As it so happened, I had not left anything out – it simply had not been originally entered! This was understandable since it was not really relevant to the accident anyway, but even so, missing out on the standard aircraft info (manufacture date, aircraft weights, engine nos, etc) was a tad frustrating, especially given that it was the first time I had covered this aircraft type. I guess I will simply have to wait until the next accident of this type to obtain this info?

From a causation point of view, this is a very different kind of accident to what you might usually expect from aircraft of this type. In many respects it was also rather tragic. I devoted more than the usual attention to the medical injuries sustained to those involved, to specifically highlight their tragedy.

Although no one doubts that this occurrence made the local news when it occurred in 1963, it is refreshing to be able to get the full story in one place as told without any input of bias on my part.

Do your hear the distant drone of an approaching behemoth?

It must be the C-130 Hercules. Enjoy!

Next month's offering should be the dainty Alouette II again.

With thanks.

Clinton Barnard

Updates (one year back): (* confirmed write-off)

01/11/2016 During an air show at Dunnottar on 03/08/63, Hercules 406 discharged its cargo of paratroopers in such a way as to result in injury to spectators and damage to private property (5 pages text, 1 diagram and 1 period aerial photo);
01/10/2016: Buccaneer 412 landed at AFB Waterkloof on 10/02/70 with its arresting hook lowered during a
heavy downpour after being called back from a Sortie 2 flight (3 pages and 7 period images);
01/09/2016: Dakota 6809* forced landed fatally at Nyama Siding, Northern Rhodesia, on September 28, 1945,
after engine failure with complications during a Shuttle Service flight (12 pages text, 1 map and 14 period images); 01/08/2016: Harvard 7185 forced landed on 31/03/44 near Rietvlei Dam after the trainee pilot failed to consider fuel
quantity and consumption and ran out of fuel during a practise cross-country flight (1 and 2/3rds pages text only);
01/07/2016: -
01/06/2016: Cessna 185 723* crashed on 22/11/63 during an operational low-level navigation training flight below
50ft AGL (5 pages text, one diagram and 8 period images); 01/05/2016: Shackleton 1722 landed nosewheel unlocked at AFS Langebaanweg on 07/07/1960 during a routine training flight launched from AFS Ysterplaat (2½ pages text and 5 period images); 01/04/2016: Sabre 357* crashed fatally within the grounds of AFS Waterkloof on 11/05/66 whilst conducting visual
smoke trials in front of a 1 Squadron flight commander and the technical officer (3½ pages text, 3 period images and 1 diagram);
01/03/2016: Impala 508 suffered a bird strike whilst in the circuit at Langebaanweg on 24/11/69 (½ pages text and
1 period image);
01/02/2016: - 01/01/2016: Dornier 5431* crashed fatally shortly after taking off from Belfast Airfield on 12/03/62 (1¾ pages text, 1
diagram and 7 period images);
01/12/2015: Harvard 7125* flew into the ground during a practise air-to-ground strafing pass on 12/04/44 at the Air
Firing Range at Vaal Dam (3¾ pages text, 1 diagram and 7 period images);

PRESENT ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS ARCHIVE updated monthly (* confirmed write-off)

Aermacchi MB 326 Impala

472 10/09/68;
487 03/01/68;
508 24/11/69;
512 18/08/69;

Aermacchi/Aeritalia AM-3CM Bosbok


5411 15/06/56*;

Avro MR Mk 3 Shackleton

1716 20/11/57;
1718 05/10/57; 09/11/59; 08/08/63*;
1722 07/07/60;
1723 26/02/58;

Blackburn S MK 50 Buccaneer

415 26/07/65; 06/03/69; 16/10/69*;
412 10/02/70;
417 30/10/65*;

Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk 6

351 04/04/57;
353 26/04/66*;
357 11/05/66*;
359 04/03/66;
367 30/09/65;

Cessna 185

713 26/11/69;
717 29/01/66;
722 02/08/65*;
723 22/11/63*;
744 25/08/66*;
751 14/05/69;

Cessna 320

ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) 09/10/69;

Dassault Mirage III

816 28/05/64;
821 15/03/69*;
824 15/11/65;

De Havilland Vampire

212 03/02/53*;
233 08/10/54*;
236 22/09/54*;
246 24/11/55*;
268 20/10/65; 27/01/66;

Dornier Do 27A

5430 03/11/58;
5431 12/03/62*;

Douglas C-47/Dakota

6801 10/09/45;
6807 28/08/43;
6809 28/09/45*;
6822 23/01/46;
6832 26/01/66;
6847 08/07/45*;
6853 01/04/45;

Douglas C-54/DC-4 Skymaster

English Electric Canberra

Hawker Siddeley HS.125-400B Mercurius

Lockheed C-130 Hercules

406 03/08/63;

North American Texan/Harvard

7001 04/12/43;
7011 13/04/43*;
7060 10/08/43;
7074 19/01/44*;
7085 11/12/43*;
7091 21/10/43*;
7092 17/05/43* (see 7119);
7094 08/02/44;
7097 03/08/43;
7099/Hind 23 12/03/43;
7107 21/01/44;
7108 05/11/43*;
7119 17/05/43* (see 7092);
7121 24/02/44*;
7122 11/11/43*;
7125 12/04/44*;
7126 25/04/44;
7134 21/12/43*;
7141 19/01/43;
7160 31/03/44 (see 7217);
7164 19/08/43;
7168 13/10/43 (see 7231);
7170 12/06/43*;
7174 16/08/43;
7185 31/03/44;
7198 11/01/44;
7200 19/02/43;
7205 21/11/43* (see 7227);
7217 31/03/44* (see 7160);
7227 21/11/43* (see 7205);
7228 26/04/43;
7231 13/10/43 (see 7168);
7241 16/03/44*;
7251 05/07/43*;
7260 17/05/43; 14/12/43*;
7262 11/01/44;
7264 23/04/43;
7266 04/10/43;
7274 06/09/43;
7277 29/07/43*;
7278 09/02/44;
7281 04/05/43*;
7283 27/03/44*;
7289 09/09/43;
7318 06/09/43*;
7351 27/01/44;
7388 09/11/43;
7391 26/11/43;
7418 19/04/44*;
7419 05/01/44*;
7452 13/03/44*;

Piaggio P.166S Albatross

Sud Est SE 3130 Alouette II

16 03/10/66*;
18 20/07/67; 01/08/67; 02/08/67; 04/08/67;
21 22/04/66;
watch this space!

Sud Est SE3160/SA316B Alouette III

39 19/04/66;
43 07/01/63;
47 25/02/66;
56 08/01/66*;
63 19/09/66;

Sud Aviation SA 321L Super Frelon

301 25/07/67;

Sud Aviation SA 330 Puma

Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX

5622* 03/04/54;

Swearingen Merlin Mk IVA

Transall C-160Z

Vickers Viscount

150 19/03/63;

Westland HAS Mk 1 Wasp

81 17/06/64*;
82 08/08/67;
84 18/03/68;
87 19/09/68*;

Total Separate Accident/Incident Archive Occurrences Released To Date: 113

Where no entry appears under a specific type, this means that the type qualifies, but that I have not yet processed any occurrence involving this type ie, watch this space!


How would you like to receive your personal copy of my Accident Summaries? Better still, how would you like to receive them in your inbox in original full length version with full supporting period and other image accompaniment with relevant tables/charts/diagrams/transcripts etc where appropriate!? Now it is possible. With Dean's consent, commencing about the start of each month and every month thereafter, I will announce the availability of one previously unpublished Accident Summary to those registered to:

Summaries vary in length from about ¾ page of text to as many as 12 excluding images and image captions.
Note that not all occurrences are image accompanied depending on the circumstances of the occurrence and what copy of the Court/Board of Inquiry/Station Investigation I get to process.

Accidents will cover the time period 01/10/42 to 31/12/75 as per the high-end limitations imposed by current legislation in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act and involve all types of attrition, both benign and spectacular, to exclusively the following types: the Harvard/Texan, C-47/Dakota, C-54/Skymaster, C-130 Hercules, Transall C-160Z, Merlin Mk IVA, HS.125 Mercurius, Viscount, Shackleton, Cessna 185, AM-3CM Bosbok, two Do 27, one Auster, one Spitfire, Canberra, Buccaneer, Mirage III, Vampire, Sabre, Impala, Wasp, Alouette II and III, Puma and the Super Frelon. No single type will be represented more than twice over a given 12-month period with exception of the Harvard for which a minimum/maximum of two Harvard occurrences will appear in every 12-month period guaranteed. Other types may be added in due course when legislation relaxes.

All summaries appearing in the database below are available for purchase by anyone at any time at R35 per summary all inclusive.

Simply let me know exactly what aircraft types you would potentially be interested in from the database and give me your e-mail, and I will contact you as soon as a summary involving that aircraft type becomes available for purchase.

If you are interested, please contact me on: or telephone: +27 (0)31 261 8748 (H + W) all hours or 072 2749 032 (sms only please) for payment details or if you have any queries regarding this subject.

All purchases will be subject to my terms and conditions and copyright, which include among others, that no summary or part thereof (including images) may be reproduced on any site or publication or other communications systems for any purpose whatsoever and that summaries are for personal (private) use exclusively and may not be distributed to a second party for any reason whatsoever. By making payment, the purchaser will thus consent to having read and fully agreed to these terms and conditions.

Upon request, I may waiver the copyright for a particular purchased accident summary to be reproduced verbatim on a site or in a publication at my sole discretion, provided that the source is acknowledged.

Although this system is prone to abuse, I would strongly advise that individuals would refrain from doing so, since it may well compromise the success of this effort and if I feel that it is not being sustainably successful, I will have no choice but to discontinue this effort and the future of summaries being available to the public will be forever jeopardised. By personally honouring the above terms, you will thus be investing in the future of more summaries being made available, both for your personal information and for that of others.

Note: Due to logistical limitations on my part, payments made in a given month will only see that summary e-mailed during the first week of the following month.

There is plenty of potential SAAF aircraft history and operational procedure waiting to be unlocked and revealed to the glory of SAAF aviation history. Please allow me to make it happen for YOU!

In the interests of flying safety and preserving SAAF history.


Clinton Barnard


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 Post subject: Latest Accident Release
PostPosted: 27 Nov 2016, 10:20 

Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 13:41
Posts: 89
Hi All

The close of another year and we might review the previous year's activities?

There were two months when no new accidents were offered due to logistical shortcomings on my side. The last year did, however, see one new type make its appearance in the form of the C-130 Hercules. Besides this, other types covered included the Do 27A, Impala Mk I, Sabre, Buccaneer, Shackleton, Cessna 185, Harvard, Dakota and Alouette II. To my horror, the latter was the sole rotary wing appearance for the entire year, where in previous years, I had presented either two or three helicopter entries. It would seem that I have done the 'Eggbeater' community some injustice. I hope to correct this in the year to come.

This month's entry is nothing spectacular but needs to be included for completeness' sake if for nothing else. It is the oldest Alouette II occurrence I have done to date and could well be the oldest occurrence on SAAF record? Only time will tell.

Next month's accident will be the first new type for 2017. Watch this space! Could it be your favourite?

Next month I will review the likely aircraft types to make their appearance in 2017.

With thanks.

Clinton Barnard

Updates (one year back): (* confirmed write-off)

01/12/2016 Alouette II 21 struck an obstacle with its main rotor near Palmiet whilst low flying during a conversion to type course on 06/06/1961 (2.25 pages text and 2 period images);
01/11/2016 During an air show at Dunnottar on 03/08/1963, Hercules 406 discharged its cargo of paratroopers in such a way as to result in injury to spectators and damage to private property (5 pages text, 1 diagram and 1 period aerial photo);
01/10/2016: Buccaneer 412 landed at AFB Waterkloof on 10/02/1970 with its arresting hook lowered during a
heavy downpour after being called back from a Sortie 2 flight (3 pages and 7 period images);
01/09/2016: Dakota 6809* forced landed fatally at Nyama Siding, Northern Rhodesia, on 28/09/1945,
after engine failure with complications during a Shuttle Service flight (12 pages text, 1 map and 14 period images); 01/08/2016: Harvard 7185 forced landed on 31/03/1944 near Rietvlei Dam after the trainee pilot failed to consider fuel quantity and consumption and ran out of fuel during a practise cross-country flight (1 and 2/3rds pages text only);
01/07/2016: -
01/06/2016: Cessna 185 723* crashed on 22/11/1963 during an operational low-level navigation training flight below
50ft AGL (5 pages text, one diagram and 8 period images); 01/05/2016: Shackleton 1722 landed nosewheel unlocked at AFS Langebaanweg on 07/07/1960 during a routine training flight launched from AFS Ysterplaat (2½ pages text and 5 period images);
01/04/2016: Sabre 357* crashed fatally within the grounds of AFS Waterkloof on 11/05/1966 whilst conducting visual smoke trials in front of a 1 Squadron flight commander and the technical officer (3½ pages text, 3 period images and 1 diagram);
01/03/2016: Impala 508 suffered a bird strike whilst in the circuit at Langebaanweg on 24/11/1969 (½ pages text and 1 period image);
01/02/2016: -
01/01/2016: Dornier 5431* crashed fatally shortly after taking off from Belfast Airfield on 12/03/1962 (1¾ pages text, 1 diagram and 7 period images);

PRESENT ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS ARCHIVE updated monthly (* confirmed write-off)

Aermacchi MB 326 Impala

472 10/09/68;
487 03/01/68;
508 24/11/69;
512 18/08/69;

Aermacchi/Aeritalia AM-3CM Bosbok


5411 15/06/56*;

Avro MR Mk 3 Shackleton

1716 20/11/57;
1718 05/10/57; 09/11/59; 08/08/63*;
1722 07/07/60;
1723 26/02/58;

Blackburn S MK 50 Buccaneer

415 26/07/65; 06/03/69; 16/10/69*;
412 10/02/70;
417 30/10/65*;

Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk 6

351 04/04/57;
353 26/04/66*;
357 11/05/66*;
359 04/03/66;
367 30/09/65;

Cessna 185

713 26/11/69;
717 29/01/66;
722 02/08/65*;
723 22/11/63*;
744 25/08/66*;
751 14/05/69;

Cessna 320

ZS-EJL (former SAAF serial 771) 09/10/69;

Dassault Mirage III

816 28/05/64;
821 15/03/69*;
824 15/11/65;

De Havilland Vampire

212 03/02/53*;
233 08/10/54*;
236 22/09/54*;
246 24/11/55*;
268 20/10/65; 27/01/66;

Dornier Do 27A

5430 03/11/58;
5431 12/03/62*;

Douglas C-47/Dakota

6801 10/09/45;
6807 28/08/43;
6809 28/09/45*;
6822 23/01/46;
6832 26/01/66;
6847 08/07/45*;
6853 01/04/45;

Douglas C-54/DC-4 Skymaster

English Electric Canberra

Hawker Siddeley HS.125-400B Mercurius

Lockheed C-130 Hercules

406 03/08/63;

North American Texan/Harvard

7001 04/12/43;
7011 13/04/43*;
7060 10/08/43;
7074 19/01/44*;
7085 11/12/43*;
7091 21/10/43*;
7092 17/05/43* (see 7119);
7094 08/02/44;
7097 03/08/43;
7099/Hind 23 12/03/43;
7107 21/01/44;
7108 05/11/43*;
7119 17/05/43* (see 7092);
7121 24/02/44*;
7122 11/11/43*;
7125 12/04/44*;
7126 25/04/44;
7134 21/12/43*;
7141 19/01/43;
7160 31/03/44 (see 7217);
7164 19/08/43;
7168 13/10/43 (see 7231);
7170 12/06/43*;
7174 16/08/43;
7185 31/03/44;
7198 11/01/44;
7200 19/02/43;
7205 21/11/43* (see 7227);
7217 31/03/44* (see 7160);
7227 21/11/43* (see 7205);
7228 26/04/43;
7231 13/10/43 (see 7168);
7241 16/03/44*;
7251 05/07/43*;
7260 17/05/43; 14/12/43*;
7262 11/01/44;
7264 23/04/43;
7266 04/10/43;
7274 06/09/43;
7277 29/07/43*;
7278 09/02/44;
7281 04/05/43*;
7283 27/03/44*;
7289 09/09/43;
7318 06/09/43*;
7351 27/01/44;
7388 09/11/43;
7391 26/11/43;
7418 19/04/44*;
7419 05/01/44*;
7452 13/03/44*;

Piaggio P.166S Albatross

Sud Est SE 3130 Alouette II

16 03/10/66*;
18 20/07/67; 01/08/67; 02/08/67; 04/08/67;
21 06/06/61; 22/04/66;

Sud Est SE3160/SA316B Alouette III

39 19/04/66;
43 07/01/63;
47 25/02/66;
56 08/01/66*;
63 19/09/66;

Sud Aviation SA 321L Super Frelon

301 25/07/67;

Sud Aviation SA 330 Puma

Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX

5622* 03/04/54;

Swearingen Merlin Mk IVA

Transall C-160Z

Vickers Viscount

150 19/03/63;

Westland HAS Mk 1 Wasp

81 17/06/64*;
82 08/08/67;
84 18/03/68;
87 19/09/68*;

Total Separate Accident/Incident Archive Occurrences Released To Date: 114

Where no entry appears under a specific type, this means that the type qualifies, but that I have not yet processed any occurrence involving this type ie, watch this space!


How would you like to receive your personal copy of my Accident Summaries? Better still, how would you like to receive them in your inbox in original full length version with full supporting period and other image accompaniment with relevant tables/charts/diagrams/transcripts etc where appropriate!? Now it is possible. With Dean's consent, commencing about the start of each month and every month thereafter, I will announce the availability of one previously unpublished Accident Summary here.

Summaries vary in length from about ¾ page of text to as many as 12 excluding images and image captions.
Note that not all occurrences are image accompanied depending on the circumstances of the occurrence and what copy of the Court/Board of Inquiry/Station Investigation I get to process.

Accidents will cover the time period 01/10/42 to 31/12/75 as per the high-end limitations imposed by current legislation in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act and involve all types of attrition, both benign and spectacular, to exclusively the following types: the Harvard/Texan, C-47/Dakota, C-54/Skymaster, C-130 Hercules, Transall C-160Z, Merlin Mk IVA, HS.125 Mercurius, Viscount, Shackleton, Cessna 185, AM-3CM Bosbok, two Do 27, one Auster, one Spitfire, Canberra, Buccaneer, Mirage III, Vampire, Sabre, Impala, Wasp, Alouette II and III, Puma and the Super Frelon. No single type will be represented more than twice over a given 12-month period with exception of the Harvard for which a minimum/maximum of two Harvard occurrences will appear in every 12-month period guaranteed. Other types may be added in due course when legislation relaxes.

All summaries appearing in the database below are available for purchase by anyone at any time at R35 per summary all inclusive.

Simply let me know exactly what aircraft types you would potentially be interested in from the database and give me your e-mail, and I will contact you as soon as a summary involving that aircraft type becomes available for purchase.

If you are interested, please contact me on: or telephone: +27 (0)31 261 8748 (H + W) all hours or 072 2749 032 (sms only please) for payment details or if you have any queries regarding this subject.

All purchases will be subject to my terms and conditions and copyright, which include among others, that no summary or part thereof (including images) may be reproduced on any site or publication or other communications systems for any purpose whatsoever and that summaries are for personal (private) use exclusively and may not be distributed to a second party for any reason whatsoever. By making payment, the purchaser will thus consent to having read and fully agreed to these terms and conditions.

Upon request, I may waiver the copyright for a particular purchased accident summary to be reproduced verbatim on a site or in a publication at my sole discretion, provided that the source is acknowledged.

Although this system is prone to abuse, I would strongly advise that individuals would refrain from doing so, since it may well compromise the success of this effort and if I feel that it is not being sustainably successful, I will have no choice but to discontinue this effort and the future of summaries being available to the public will be forever jeopardised. By personally honouring the above terms, you will thus be investing in the future of more summaries being made available, both for your personal information and for that of others.

Note: Due to logistical limitations on my part, payments made in a given month will only see that summary e-mailed during the first week of the following month.

There is plenty of potential SAAF aircraft history and operational procedure waiting to be unlocked and revealed to the glory of SAAF aviation history. Please allow me to make it happen for YOU!

In the interests of flying safety and preserving SAAF history.


Clinton Barnard


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