Not quite seen, but ...
DRAMA AT CAPE TOWN AS MARINE PILOT FALLS INTO SEA FROM BOARDING LADDERThe bitumen tanker Acacia Noir. Picture: courtesy Shipspotting, appearing in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
There was drama in Table Bay on Monday night (4 September) when a Port of Cape Town marine pilot slipped and fell from the boarding ladder as she was boarding a merchant ship.
The incident occurred as the pilot was on the ladder while attempting to board the asphalt/bitumen tanker, ACACIA NOIR (5895-dwt, built 2004).
The tanker, operated by Swedish company Wisby Tankers AB, was inbound and approaching the port where it was met by the pilot boat Petrel at approximately 21h40 with the pilot onboard, who then proceeded onto the ship’s ladder.
Details of how she fell are not available but the pilot presumably lost her grip and fell into the waters of Table Bay. She was wearing a regulation life jacket and was able to remain afloat, having not been hurt in the fall.
The crew of the Petrel immediately raised the alarm which was responded to by the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI, Table Bay Station which launched its rescue boat Spirit of Vodacom. NSRI Bakoven was also activated, as were Western Cape Health EMS and the AMS/EMS Skymed rescue helicopter which was placed on standby.
Shortly afterwards it was reported that the crew of the Petrel had rescued the pilot who was back on board, wet and cold but otherwise uninjured.
The pilot boat transferred the pilot to the pier next to the port control tower where she was met by an ER24 ambulance and taken to hospital as a precaution.
The NSRI commended the crew of the harbour pilot boat Petrel for the swift and successful rescue of their marine pilot.